MEDAN (15 June 2021) – Training Center “Bahagia” Medan was visited by Commission VIII DPR RI represented by Syarif Darmawan as Expert Staff of Commission VIII DPR RI. The visit was also attended by Soni Manalu as Senior Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs in the field of Social Accessibility, Waskito Budi Kusumo as Director of Social Rehabilitation of the Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Victims of Human Trafficking, and representatives from the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse.


Lyana Siregar as the Head of Training Center “Bahagia” Medan explained the Center’s performance in carrying out social rehabilitation. "The implementation of social rehabilitation at Bahagia Medan has now exceeded the target, which is more than 1,020 people with HIV have received ATENSI. The remaining budget will be used to provide multi-services to Persons Needing Social Welfare Services (PPKS) other than Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)," explained Lyana when giving a speech.


During the visit of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, Soni Manalu explained the importance of support and the role of the government in handling HIV-AIDS and drug abuse.


"Our country is the only one in the world that has institutions and services for HIV in buildings. The government can pay more attention to the delivery of HIV care," he said.


Soni Manalu hopes that the presence of Commission VIII can get some aspirations and fight for PLWHA and victims of drug abuse, one of which is through an increase in the budget. "The Center must collaborate with LKS in carrying out the service process. Don't forget that we live to serve others," he said.


Soni Manalu and Syarif Darmawan symbolically handed over ATENSI assistance to one of the assisted Beneficiaries of the AIDS Management Commission (KPA). In addition, Soni Manalu together with the Expert Staff of Commission VIII reviewed the Coffee Shops managed by People Living with HIV/AIDS.


Syarif Darmawan took the time to have a dialogue with the manager of the Coffee Shop. The manager who is PLWHA hopes that the community can accept and remove the stigma against PLWHA.


Syarif expressed his hope on the sidelines of his conversation "It is hoped that ODH can be independent and be accepted by the community."