EREKE (13 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Social Rehabilitation Workshop for Persons with Hearing Sensory Disabilities (LRSPDSRW) “Meohai” Kendari or better known as Meohai Center Kendari responded quickly to the case that befell WA (initials), a person with a hearing sensory disability from origin North Buton Regency who lived neglected and experienced sexual harassment.


The case that happened to WA was only discovered by "Meohai" Center Kendari after it went viral on social media and received a report from the North Buton District Social Service. The Head of "Meohai" Kendari together with several Social Workers who are members of the Rapid Response Team (TRC) immediately responded quickly to the case by reaching the scene by land and sea travel as far as 388.9 KM. The case of neglect and sexual harassment experienced by WA occurred in Kasulatombi Village, West Kulisusu District, North Buton Regency.


Accompanied by North Buton District Social Service officers, local police, and village officials, the TRC Team immediately conducted an assessment of WA. The results of the assessment were very surprising where it was found that WA had been sexually abused since 2015 until now and had given birth to 4 children.


WA has been sexually harassed for 6 years. Even more tragic, the children are not known who their biological father is. The police have also tracked the harassment case and have not found a bright spot for the perpetrator of the abuse. Children born in WA are cared for and raised by villagers, one of whom is a local midwife who is kind enough to take care of the last baby born by WA.

In addition to being sexually abused, WA lives abandoned without a home and family, either parent, siblings, or other relatives. To sleep and take shelter, WA, who is also homeless, occupies the former UPTD office of the West Kulisusu District Education Office, which no longer functions and is located quite far from residential areas. For daily meals, WA only relies on the compassion of the villagers.

According to the local village apparatus, WA came from Torombia Village, Kulisusu District, which is not far from Kasulatombi Village, West Kulisusu District, where WA currently lives. It has been 10 years that WA has lived abandoned in Kasulatombi Village without any of her relatives coming to look for her.

Village officials have tried to find information about WA's relatives in their home village, Torombia Village, but have not found any WA families. How complex is the problem that WA faces as a homeless person who has been abandoned without relatives and has been sexually abused for years. This condition made the Meohai TRC Team decide to bring WA to Kendari City, to get psychosocial, vocational, physical, mental, and spiritual therapy at "Meohai" Center.

The head of "Meohai” Kendari, Budi Sucahyono, said that WA had been registered with the Civil Registry Office to make a Family Card and KTP identity.

"We have followed up on the WA case by registering with the Civil Registry Office of North Buton Regency to get a Family Card and KTP. Meanwhile, regarding WA who is also homeless, we handled it temporarily by providing residential attention, namely taking him to Meohai Center to get various kinds of therapy, namely vocational, psychosocial, physical, mental, and spiritual therapy, "explained Budi.

Before being taken to Kendari to undergo therapy at the "Meohai" Center, WA first took part in recording ID cards and making Family Cards at the Population and Civil Registry Office. Family Cards and WA ID cards were immediately issued on the same day, namely Friday, August 13, 2021.

Accompanied by the TRC Team of "Meohai" and Social Service Officers, WA underwent an Antigen Swab Test at the Lambale Health Center, West Kulisusu District. The WA case involved many parties including the North Buton District Social Service, the North Buton District Women and Children Protection Service, the North Buton Population and Civil Registry Service, the North Buton District Health Service, the West Kulisusu District Police, and the Kasulatombi Village Apparatus, West Kulisusu District. North Buton Regency. Through good cooperation from various parties, it is hoped that the WA case will end soon.