ACEH BESAR (27 June 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini paid a working visit to the Aceh Darussa'adah Center on Monday (26/6). The Minister was present at the Veranda of Mecca to hand over assistance to Shafira Rizkina and Amatur Rahmani.
Shafira suffers from atresia ani (a congenital disorder that leads to the non-formation of the anus). As for Amatur, he has a leaky heart valve.
The Minister cooperates with to help with the operational costs of treatment for Shafira and Amatur. The Minister handed over IDR 98,922,102 in donations from to Shafira and IDR 145,356,909 to Amatur.
In addition to assistance from, the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) also handed over Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) to Shafira in the form of multivitamins, nutrition, personal hygiene, medicines, operational cost during treatment, toys, clothing, school supplies, and business capital worth a total of IDR 28,877,550.
To Amatur, the Minister handed over ATENSI assistance worth IDR 16,740,110 for medical expenses and transportation costs, nutrition, clothing, food, personal hygiene tools, entrepreneurship, and educational toys.
Both conditions require serious treatment. Like Shafira who since birth has no anus must go back and forth to undergo treatment, from the health center to being referred to the Zainal Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh after the Aceh Sentra Darussa'adah knew her condition.
Because Shafira's condition was not yet possible to undergo surgery, Shafira and her family were moved to stay in Darussa’adah Aceh. At the center, her nutritional needs are met so that she is physically strong and qualified to undergo surgery.
Similar to Shafira, Amatur also needs intensive treatment. The Minister even asked for Amatur to be treated in Jakarta.
"Amatur should be taken to Jakarta because of his leaky heart valve. But since his condition is not going well, we will take him to the center first so that his nutritional intake is good and ready to undergo surgery," said the Minister.
The Minister constantly appreciates online and social media that help in informing the existence of people in need of help. “I am grateful to the online and social media partners who have provided information about the beneficiaries we are currently assisting with the costs of the treatment,” said the Minister.
The Minister also expressed her gratitude to the good people who have donated their sustenance to help children in Aceh. On this occasion, the Minister handed over ATENSI assistance and donations from
"Thank you to the good people who have donated to help these children. Their needs are not only during surgery, but they also need other costs, for example, transportation which has already been handled by MoSA. Some medicines are not covered by BPJS," said the Minister.
Maulana, a representative from added that these two children represent the people of Aceh who still need a lot of help. His party is also open to receiving complaints and information if there are people who need help to support medical expenses.
"For people who need help, they can inform us. Later we can do an assessment and we will try to help. The two patients are representative of the whole community who still need help," he said.
Present on this occasion were leader from Aceh Maulana, Special Advisor to the Minister for Communication and Mass Media Don Rozano Sigit Prakoeswa, Director General of Social Rehabilitation Pepen Nazaruddin, Head of the Medan Insyaf Center Iman Imanuddin and Head of the Aceh Darussa'adah Center Susi Mulyati.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs