(9 July 2021) - Secretary of the
Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs,
Idit Supriadi Priatna represented the Director General of Social
Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, chaired a coordination meeting with the Directorate
General of Higher Education regarding the Merdeka Campus collaboration through
a zoom meeting.
This coordination meeting followed up the
letter from the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of
Social Affairs to the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of
Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Higher Education, number
541/4/KS.02.01/7/2021 dated July 4, 2021, regarding the Merdeka Campus program
at the Technical Implementation Units (UPT), which is scheduled regarding
the Discussion of the Independent Campus Program Cooperation Plan at the UPT
Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna expressed hope that in the future with
the independent campus program, the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation through centers could join, or collaborate with the organizers
of the Merdeka Campus, including the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research
and Technology, Higher Education.
"This is all following the
direction of the leadership, hopefully, the presence of the Merdeka Campus in
the middle of our social rehabilitation center will increase the optimization
of it. Of course, I believe that when students are present, we will get various
mutual benefits," said Idit.
Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher
Education, Paristiyanti Nurwardani said that the Ministry of Education and
Culture has a policy of realizing a Merdeka Campus for Glorious Indonesia.
There are four activities for the Strategic
Plan presented by Paristiyanti at the coordination meeting for the outputs of
the Strategic Plan made by the Ministry of Education and Culture, including
increasing the participation rate of higher education, strengthening the
quality of the relevance of the higher education curriculum to the world of
business, industry, and work, strengthening the quality of the higher education
curriculum, lecturers, and education staff, strengthen the governance system of
the Directorate General of Higher Education.
The Minister of Education
and Culture that will oversee this collaboration is the Minister of Education
and Culture concerning the National Standards for Higher Education, which aims
to achieve higher education, which is to create people who believe in and fear of
God Almighty, have a noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable,
creative, independent, skilled, competent, and become a democratic,
responsible, and cultured citizen for the benefit of the nation.
There are 8 activities carried out by Merdeka Campus, namely student
exchanges, internships/work practices, teaching assistance in education units,
research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurial activities, independent studies
or projects and village development/KKNT.
Paristiyanti Nurwardani
said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Social Affairs was the
main partner and priority for the Ministry of Education, Research and
Technology, "Because we are very sure that all students from the
Polytechnic of the Ministry of Social Affairs carry out learning process
activities outside the campus which mean that they can be in the social
rehabilitation center or in various social organizations or rehabilitation
activities, because residents or patients in hospitals need assistance, they
can be approached employing internships at work," explained
In this coordination
meeting the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit
Supriadi Priatna also explained regarding the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA),
"There is already SKA within the social rehabilitation center to empower
beneficiaries to carry out various businesses. There is hope if students from
the Merdeka Campus can complement each other, complement our programs. They
will learn firsthand how to make PPKS (Persons Needing Social Welfare Services)
independent," said Idit.
So that the Center and SKA
can become a place for students of the Merdeka Campus, namely the existence of
an MoU which will be signed by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation
of the Ministry of Social Affairs with the Ministry of Education and Culture of
Higher Education. The implementation of this MoU is for certified internship
programs and certified independent studies.
As the closing of this
coordination meeting, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna expressed his wishes for Merdeka Campus
program, "We believe that working with universities will support our
program, and accept the challenges ahead that are increasingly difficult, and
students become new energy in the center. "The Center, as well as
scientific updates will add insight to our employees or human resources. The
symbiosis of mutualism will really happen," said Idit.
This coordination meeting
was attended online by the Directors within the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation, the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social
Rehabilitation, the Head of Social Rehabilitation Centers and Workshops within
the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Coordinating Team for the Ministry of
Education and Culture of Higher Education.