KENDARI (12 May 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) RI Cash Social Assistance (BST) 2020 phase one for the Kendari City community begins to be distributed. The BST handover was distributed to Beneficiary Families (KPM) which was given symbolically by the Mayor of Kendari, H. Sulkarnain K who was accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Workshop for People with Hearing Sensory Disabilities (LRSPDSRW) "Meohai" Kendari, Budi Sucahyono and the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Elderly (LRSLU) "Minaula" Kendari, Syamsuddin at the Lepo-Lepo Post Office, Kendari.

Sulkarnain said that he would continue to strive so that all those who have been recorded receive assistance before Eid al-Fitr. "Alhamdulillah, today we can realize it, even though we cannot do it all simultaneously, but God willing, we will try to be ready to work so that all one day before the Eid al-Fitr holiday, everything is divided," he said.

Sulkarnain also entrusted several messages to the Kendari people who had been recorded as receiving assistance from the government. "With this assistance, it is hoped that it can meet basic needs. We know that this assistance does not meet all of our needs but at least the government has tried to help because it is our responsibility," he added.

Currently, the recorded recipients of aid in Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) will receive assistance, namely 57,000, while Kendari City receives a share of 8,047 about 10-12 percent of the total. "As a whole, it has been distributed at this time in Southeast Sulawesi, the budget that has been budgeted for Kendari City is Rp. 4.8 billion. Currently, Konsel will start tomorrow, while Konawe islands are currently still verifying," said Head of Kendari Post Office, Surya Hambali.

Surya Hambali added that today's launching starts from Abeli District, while other sub-districts will follow. "Other districts will be carried out gradually from 12 May-23 May 2020, arranged in such a way so that there are no crowds according to the COVID-19 protocol," he explained.

Beneficiary families who come from Lapulu Village are happy with the assistance and will be used for family needs. "Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to buy additional staples in the fasting month," concluded the Waga of Lapulu Village, Kasmawati.