BEKASI (21 November 2019) - Director of Social Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities (RSPD), Margowiyono gave direction to the Workshop on the Draft Mapping Study and Development of a Disability Service Model at the Horizon Hotel.
"The disability issue is a cross cutting issue, it needs a comprehensive, integrated, directed, sustainable and multisectoral handling. The joint responsibility of the government, community components and the business world in handling the empowerment of persons with disabilities has an important role, "said Margowiyono.
"A paradigm shift in the approach to handling disability problems, from a charity based approach, to an approach that prioritizes the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities (right based approach), we will fight for it together. This is a form of our collective responsibility to continue to unite steps in realizing the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities, "said Margowiyono.
In the Workshop on the Draft Mapping Study and Analysis of the Development of the Disability Service Model Phase 2, three study themes were discussed, namely Protection for Women with Disabilities; Improvement and Development of Family Literacy with Autism; Family Education for People With Mental Disorders.
"The results of this compiled study must be disseminated to other competent Ministries / Agencies, so that they can be implemented. This study must also be synchronized with our action plans and the ongoing PP needs, "said Margowiyono.
The results of the draft study will be used as a basis for policy development that is inclusive, especially for persons with disabilities, so that they have equal opportunities before the law to enjoy social, economic, political and cultural rights.
"The spirit of synergy of the various parties who attended this workshop is expected to be a meeting point to fight for the rights of persons with disabilities and create an inclusive society. It is very important to build equality and equal opportunities in all aspects of life for persons with disabilities, by continuing to be determined to voice "no one left behind" in development work and feel the results of development, "concluded Margowiyono.
The workshop on the Draft Mapping Study and Development Analysis Model for Disability Services was held on November 21-24 2019 at the Horrison Bekasi hotel and was attended by 90 participants from representatives of Disabled Persons Organizations, World Education, Ministries / Institutions, Ministry of Social Affairs RSPD Hall, Regional Government Institutions, Community Organizations , and Foundation / LKS.