GORONTALO (October 11, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Balai Phala Martha in Sukabumi carried out reunification and termination of residential-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance services to beneficiaries in Gorontalo.

11 years ago, SZU (35 years old), left his home in Buol, Central Sulawesi to work as a construction worker in Toli-Toli. After that, he continued to work in Balikpapan. Then SZU followed his friend's invitation to work on a project in Surabaya.

SZU allegedly lost his consciousness due to the relapse of his mental illness. His communication tool and identification card were also missing. He then lived a vagrant life, until finally getting treatment and services at the UPTD Liponsos Keputih Surabaya. SZU was then referred to Balai Phala Martha Sukabumi for rehabilitation at the end of March 2021.

While receiving services at Balai Phala Martha, his condition gradually improved. Although he tended to be passive in communicating, he actively participated in various activities at Balai and screen printing skills therapy. At the same time, the social workers were trying to find out his family whereabouts and evaluate his condition.

It was found that SZU still has a family in Buol, Central Sulawesi that is his older brother. In addition, his other relatives live in Gorontalo, namely his younger brother, his aunt and his uncle.

The hard work paid off when the Social Rehabilitation Assistant of Gorontalo Province, the Social Offices of Gorontalo City and Gorontalo District, and the Social Workers of Balai Phala Martha managed to establish communication with the SZU’s family. 

The Social Worker of Balai Phala Martha, Andry Permana, was assigned for reunification by bringing SZU back to his family on October 8, 2021.

"SZU has been missing for a long time," said his older brother. "We are very grateful that Balai Phala Martha is willing to bring him here", he continued.

The Social Office Secretary of Gorontalo District, Titi H. Nur also expressed her gratitude for the return of SZU.

"We will try to follow up on services provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs," she said.

"Hopefully there will be a follow-up program that can be carried out for SZU's daily activities here so that he can recover and be independent," she continued.

SZU accompanied by Social Workers and Social Rehabilitation Assistants of Gorontalo Province also visited the Social Office and Community Empowerment Office of Gorontalo. Head of Social Rehabilitation, Protection and Security, Endang Hulumudi and his staff warmly welcomed the visit and expressed their gratitude.

The atmosphere of emotion enveloped the SZU family residence. The Social Worker advised SZU to keep active and take medication to maintain the stability of his mental health.

The family immediately took care of his ID card and health insurance. Although the family is ready to accompany SZU in Gorontalo, SZU has other wishes.

"I just want to go back to my hometown in Buol," said SZU.

"There I can work, maybe in the mines with my younger brother," he concluded.