JAKARTA (May 3rd, 2020) – After the early observation of the distribution of social aid (bansos) for the President’s basic food carried out by the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, on May 2nd, 2020, the Social Affairs Minister conducted an observation and assigned his staff to oversee the distribution of basic food aid in several locations in DKI Jakarta.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, was assigned to directly observe the process of the distribution of social aid (bansos) for the President’s basic food in the Rawa Badak area, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. This observation is an effort to ensure that the distribution runs smoothly and well targeted.

“So I got a task to directly observe the distribution of the President’s basic food aid in Rawa Badak Selatan RW 10 and Rawa Badak Utara RW 08. This is done to ensure the social aid really reaches the community, especially families affected by COVID-19,” explained the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

In accordance with the policy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, regarding mudik ban to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the community are given compensation in the form of social aid (bansos) to fulfill their basic needs. It is also a social safety net for people affected by COVID-19.

A total of 784 basic food aid packages were distributed—236 basic food aid packages were distributed in the Rawa Badak Selatan Tanjung Priok RW 10 area and 548 basic food aid packages were distributed in Rawa Badak Utara, Tanjung Priok RW 08 RT 01, 02, 03, dan 04.

The process of the distribution in Kelurahan Rawa Badak Selatan was also attended by the Head of Urban Village of Rawa Badak Selatan, Suhaena. “Honestly, this social aid is our only hope. I, on behalf of the people of Rawa Badak Selatan, am thankful,” she said. She added that this location is prioritized for obtaining basic food aid because of the density and diversity of its population.

Afterwards, the Head of RW 08 of Kelurahan Rawa Badak Utara, Sudaryono, said that in his area there is a resident who is a daily-paid laborer. This person expressed their gratitude when they received the President’s basic food aid. “Alhamdulillah, today I got basic food from the President. I am happy. Thank you Mr. President,” said Muhammad Yusup, a noodle seller in RT 04 RW 08.

Basic food aid worth 300 thousand rupiah consists of rice, cooking oil, soy sauce, chili sauce, instant noodles, corned beef, milk, teabags, and bath soap. Social aid will be distributed twice a month, so the total of basic food aid is 600 thousand rupiah/person each month. The basic food aid will be distributed for 3 months starting from April 2020.

Fulfillment of these basic needs also aims to minimize people’s activities to leave the house. Moreover, DKI Jakarta is currently implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) so that several activities such as work, study, and worship are carried out in their respective homes.

“It is in this situation that the fulfillment of basic needs such as basic food aid is provided by the government. This is an effort to reduce the expenses of all of you who have temporarily stopped working,” said the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

On this occasion, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation also conveyed to the media crew that the government’s efforts, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs, were not only providing basic food aid. “There are also schemes for neglected people such as homeless people, people who have lost their jobs, are stressed, and cannot face difficult situations that the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) finds on the street. We provide Temporary Shelters (TPS) in collaboration with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. One of them is at the Tanjuk Priok Sports Center, North Jakarta,” he explained.

Several temporary shelters have been provided in collaboration with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, namely Karet Tengsing Sports Center, Central Jakarta, Cengkareng Sports Center, West Jakarta, Ciracas Sports Center, East Jakarta, Tanjung Priok Sports Center, North Jakarta, and Pasar Minggu Sports Center, South Jakarta.

For conditions that require special care, neglected people or also known as Beneficiaries (PM) can be referred to Social Rehabilitation Center owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. For example, families with toddlers and children and also pregnant women. “This is an effort to ensure that all levels of society are reached by the government,” concluded the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

Centers that have been prepared to become TPS with special care are Jakarta “Mulya Jaya” Center, Jakarta “Handayani” Children Center, Jakarta “Bambu Apus Drug Center, Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Elderly Center, Bekasi “Tan Miyat” Blind Center, Bekasi “Pangudi Luhur” Ex-Homeless and Beggar Center.

The observation of the distribution of the President’s basic food aid was also attended by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito, representatives of the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Erniyanto, Head of Organization Division, OHH Team of the Secretariat of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of Social Rehabilitation, Head of Urban Village of Rawa Badak Selatan, Suhaena, Head of Urban Village of Rawa Badak Utara, Teguh Subroto, and Head of RW 08 of Kelurahan Rawa Badak Utara, Sudaryono.