JAKARTA (April 6th 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs implements a one-national integrated data system in the distribution of social assistance for Beneficiaries and Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) through the Next Generation Social Welfare Information System Application (SIKS-NG) so that social assistance is right on target.
"SIKS-NG is a means of managing one national integrated data for poverty alleviation. SIKS-NG is an information system that supports the Integrated Social Welfare Data Management (DTKS) process," Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat, after conducting a video conference with the Ministry of Social Affairs' Center for Information and Information in Jakarta, Monday.
The purpose of this application, he continued, is to provide poverty data that is accurate, up-to-date, and integrated. Data improvement from the field is managed through SIKS-NG and used for planning, decision making and distribution of social assistance / subsidies to be channeled on target.
He conveyed that all directorates under the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation must use the SIKS-NG application developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs Data and Information Center (Pusdatin). Currently, under the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, there is the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Social Disabilities and Human Trafficking Victims, and the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Victims of Drug Abuse.
The Head of the Center for Social Welfare Data and Information, Said Mirza Pahlevi, explained the material on the application or use of the SIKG-NG Data Model Application for LKS and PPKS. There are several stages to fill in the application, namely the LKS and PSKS Data Registration Stage, the Assistance Proposal Submission Stage, the Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism Stage, and the PPKS Data Verification by the District / City Social Services Agency.
Phase I is the registration stage for LKS, Service LKS and PSKS by filling out the application and filling out the form about LKS data. The data entered is disaggregated, if the scope of the LKS is provincial, then the inspection is carried out by the provincial Social Services Agency, if the LKS status is at the regency / city level, the examination and approval is carried out by the district / city social office. Meanwhile, if the LKS status is National then the one who checks and gives approval is the Directorate General of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Furthermore, after data registration is complete and approved, the next is the process of entering Service Data. For example, in one institution dealing with social rehabilitation for children, social rehabilitation for the elderly, or social rehabilitation for drugs abuse victims. The Directorate of Social Rehabilitation will examine applications for LKS Services and approve / reject those submissions.
Phase II is the Submission of Assistance Proposals. LKS sends proposals through the application addressed to the Ministry of Social in stages by first having the incoming forms checked by the district / city social services agency then to the provincial offices to the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs for inspection and approval.
Phase III is the Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism. At this stage the LKS sends a complete activity report consisting of uploading accounts, notes / receipts, minutes, and activity reports. To then be recorded through the application to the District / City Social Services Agency.
In stages, then when the data meets the requirements, it is sent to the provincial social office for examination and recap. However, if there is improvement, it can be returned to the city / regency Social Services Agency. When it is complete, it is sent to the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation for inspection and approval.
The last or stage IV is the verification of PPPKS data by the district / city Social Services Agency. In this application, there is a pre-list that must be verified or matched between the data in the application and the conditions in the field. There are two instruments that can be used, namely in the form of PAPI and CAPI.
For information, SIKS-NG contains data on households with the lowest 40 percent socioeconomic status of households which include demographic data, education, health, housing, asset ownership, and social assistance / subsidy program membership.
According to the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 5/2019 concerning Management of DTKS, DTKS includes data on beneficiaries or what is called the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS); Recipients of Social Assistance and Empowerment (PKH, Basic Food Social Assistance, PBI JK, electricity subsidies, PIP, KIP College); Potential and Sources of Social Welfare (PSKS) both individuals, groups, community institutions.
"All applications that have been or are being built by each directorate must be integrated and coordinated with Pusdatin as well as the Intel Social Rehabilitation," said the Director General.
Harry said that currently the data that has been integrated in the DTKS is data from the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Child and will be followed by other directorates. Currently the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is currently discussing the Business Process and Progress of the SIKS-NG Application with Pusdatin with the hope that all beneficiary data and LKS are integrated into one data.
To access the SIKS-NG application, it can be accessed at dev.siks.kemsos.go.id for both LKS and PPKS as well as social institutions that do not provide services such as PERTUNI, PPDI or the LKSA Forum.
The video conference was attended by 69 participants, namely representatives from the PSKKM of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Directors, Head of Subdivision of Administration, Applicators / IT personnel and employees of the Ministry of Social Affairs.