BEKASI (April 4, 2020) - The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation carried out the distribution of basic needs assistance to children in the Child Welfare Institution (LKSA), children of vulnerable families and children in need of Special Protection (AMPK). This was a response to the socioeconomic emergency status as the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, especially in Jabodetabek.


The beneficiaries consisting of 6,000 children had fulfilled the requirements to be a part of the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). It was hoped that the assistance could help them to fulfil their nutritional needs and increase their immune systems to counteract the negative effects of COVID-19.


The activity was held at the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) of Budi Darma in Bekasi, involving the Directorate of Children Social Rehabilitation, Social Services Agencies, Children Social Rehabilitation Centers, Social Worker Dedicating Unit on Children, Child Welfare Institution and Vulnerable Families.