BEKASI (April 5th 2020) - On Saturday (04/04) the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs distributed 6,700 basic food packages for the cluster of children and people with disabilities, then on Sunday (05/04) 5,650 food packages were distributed to the elderly cluster, victims of drug abuse as well as social disabilities and victims of human trafficking. A total of 12,350 food packages have been distributed to all Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) throughout Jabodetabek.

The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has prepared 12,350 basic food packages which have been distributed to 5 social rehabilitation clusters. As many as 6,000 packages for the children cluster, 700 packages for the people with disabilities, 5,200 packages for the elderly cluster, 150 packages for the victims of drug abuse cluster and 300 packages for the social disabled and human trafficking victims cluster.

On Saturday (04/04) 6,700 basic food assistance packages were distributed, with details of 6,000 packages for 276 child LKS and 700 packages for 22 LKS with disabilities. A total of 5,650 food packages on Sunday (05/04) were distributed with details of 5,200 basic food packages distributed to 114 elderly LKS, 150 packages were distributed to 11 LKS victims of drug abuse and 300 packages distributed to 11 LKS social disabled and victims of human trafficking. This basic food assistance is in the form of side dishes, children's meals and ready-to-eat meals.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat expressed his concern for the community in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. "They have difficulty accessing basic necessities in this COVID-19 pandemic. At least the Ministry of Social Affairs will share in alleviating the burdens they are experiencing," said the Director General for Social Rehabilitation.

In accordance with the Ministry of Social Affairs' tagline, namely Humanist, Adaptive, Dedicative, Inclusive and Responsive, the distribution of basic food aid is a form of the Ministry of Social Affairs response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Social Affairs also ensures that vulnerable groups receive special attention.

Harry Hikmat is grateful that all the basic needs aid can be distributed quickly. "We are grateful, social assistance has been distributed to social institutions / LKS for the full support of the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (Dit. PSKBA) from the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security (Ditjen Linjamsos), of course with the approval of the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara," said the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

One of the beneficiaries, namely LKS Al Muanah Paskam Jakarta, expressed his gratitude. "Alhamdulillah, the Ministry of Social Affairs is here, this assistance is very beneficial for people who are poor and live in need," said Uum. He added that he would immediately distribute it to the residents who were under the guidance of his institution.

This time, the distribution of basic necessities was different from usual. The mechanism for distributing aid in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions emphasizes the principle of physical distancing. In addition, the aid distribution team also used unusual attributes, namely using personal protective equipment in the form of masks and gloves. This is done in order to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.