LHOKSUKON (May 22, 2024) — The Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the Lhoksukon Syar'iyah Court, the Office of the Ministry of Religion of North Aceh Regency through the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), and the Department of Population and Civil Registration held an Integrated Marriage Isbat Session for 76 elderly couples at the North Aceh Regency Office.
The Integrated Marriage Isbat Session is part of a series of activities for the 2024 National Elderly Day (HLUN). Through this activity, the Ministry of Social Affairs aims to improve the welfare and dignity of the elderly by facilitating the official legalization of marriages.
One of the elderly couples who underwent the Integrated Marriage Isbat Session, Burhanudin (67) and Mariah (62), married for 40 years. Still, their names have not been officially registered in the state. "Thank you very much, Minister of Social Affairs. I'm happy that all this time we didn't have a marriage book, now we have it," Mariah said.
During the isbat trial, the judge summoned two people who witnessed the marriage of the elderly couple. After hearing the testimony, the judge legalizes and records the marriage.
The Ministry of Social Affairs' efforts to facilitate the elderly to fulfill their civil rights is one form of the government's presence in creating advanced, prosperous, and dignified Indonesian elderly. The Integrated Marriage Isbat session will resume at the peak of National Elderly Day (HLUN) 2024.
Ministry of Social Affairs is Prospering 76 Elderly Couples Through Integrated Marriage Isbat Session
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Intan Qonita N/Karlina Irsalyana