JAKARTA (August 5, 2021) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, represented by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna, attended the Coordination Meeting on the resilience of Poor Families in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic which was held by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture virtually.


As we all know, the pandemic, which has entered its second year, has had a very significant impact on various sectors of life. The national condition is a slowdown in economic growth, followed by a decline in productivity, an increase in unemployment, and an increase in the number of poor people.


Deputy for the Coordination of Quality Improvement for Children, Women, and Youth at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri conveyed 7 (Seven) development agendas for 2020 - 2024, one of which is Improving Quality and Competitive Human Resources. "In any condition, we have the task of continuing to build Indonesian human resources, because it is one of our priorities and our family is one of the focuses in increasing quality and competitive human resources", said Femmy.


At this virtual meeting, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna conveyed the activities that had been carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs to maintain the resilience of the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) requirements, namely, the provision of ATENSI assistance and ATENSI Services for Beneficiaries (PM) followed by tightening the implementation of health programs.


In addition, during PPKM, the Center establishes public kitchens and continues to produce ready-to-eat food and boiled eggs. Vaccination is sought in coordination with the Health Office, Puskesmas (Public Health Center) and various other parties for PPKS such as Persons with Disabilities, Elderly, Children and others, case response to PPKS exposed and affected by COVID-19, Health service providers, and nutritional supplements campaigns through social media related to the implementation of health protocols for the elderly.


The impact of these activities/programs is the fulfillment of the basic needs of PPKS, fulfillment of nutrition for PPKS, restoring economic resilience for PPKS and their families, access to basic health services for PPKS facilitated by the Center and LKS, families, and PPKS getting education related to the implementation of health protocols in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.

The targets and the amount of the Ministry of Social Affairs assistance budget to maintain the resilience of PPKS are the Social Rehabilitation Program, Social Welfare Service assistance for 20,000 Drug Victims with a budget of around Rp. 119 billion, Social Welfare Services for 9,000 Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Human Trafficking Victims with a budget of around Rp. 104 billion, Social Welfare Services for 48,000 Persons with Disabilities with a budget of around Rp. 501 billion, Social Welfare Services for 30,000 Children with a budget of around Rp. 183 billion, Social Welfare Services for 35,000 Elderly with a budget of around Rp. 132 Billion.

The Per-Stage Assistance Scheme for the Family Hope Program (PKH) social assistance based on category along with index/year and index/3 months including pregnant women index/year Rp3 million and index/3 months Rp750 thousand, children aged 0-6 years index/year IDR 3 million and index/3 months IDR 750 thousand, elementary school children index/year IDR 900 thousand and index / 3 months IDR 225 thousand, junior school children IDR 1.5 million and index / 3 months IDR 375 thousand, senior high school students index/year IDR 2 million and index/3 months Rp. 500 thousand, severe disabilities Rp. 2.4 million and index/3 months Rp. 600 thousand, elderly 70 years and over, index/year is Rp. 2.4 million and index/3 months is Rp. 600 thousand.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provides Cash Social Assistance (BST) in 2021. The BST program targets 10 million Beneficiary Families (KPM), in 34 provinces including Jabodetabek, which previously received the Presidential Basic Food Assistance. Cash assistance is given to the community in the context of preventing COVID-19, with an index of assistance of Rp. 300,000 distributed for 6 months, the distribution of this cash assistance through PT POS every month.

The Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Nizam said that Dikti Office was always encouraged and mobilized to be able to help overcome various poverty problems through thematic KKN programs.

Nizam also mentioned about the Merdeka Campus program which will collaborate with the Ministry of Social Affairs that the Merdeka Campus can be a very flexible space for students to carry out various forms of activities in the field, especially in developing villages to overcome various poverty problems.

Nizam said that the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini was very interested in the Merdeka Campus program, "We are also strengthening programs at the Ministry of Social Affairs. So, we are ready to synergize through the Merdeka Campus program, both in mobilizing students to accelerate various government programs", said Nizam.

At the end of this virtual meeting, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri thanked the speakers who had provided very valuable information to be synergized and collaborated in the future.

This Coordination Meeting was attended by Echelon I Officials in the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Manpower, Bappenas, BKKBN, and LIPI.