JAKARTA (July 27, 2021) – The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, represented by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Victims of Drugs Abuse, Victorious Siahaan attended the Synergy Coordination Meeting of Law Enforcement Officials and the National Development Planning Agency in Implementation of Rehabilitation on the Application of Article 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics organized by the National Narcotics Agency online.


In the law, the state is mandated to save future generations from the threat of drug abuse. Optimization of rehabilitation must be carried out as part of the priority activities of the government in the future.


In line with this, the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, stated that the current rehabilitation problems are:

1.  Uneven distribution of rehabilitation institutions that are operational and following the minimum service standards;

2.  Rehabilitation services are not yet integrated, including data integration on narcotics abuse;

3.  90% of addicts who have been rehabilitated relapse (return to using narcotics);

4.  Low participation in rehabilitation (4.6%).


Strengthening efforts can be done through:

1. Capacity building and accessibility of rehabilitation services which include the provision of rehabilitation services according to the National Rehabilitation Standards, integration of a nationally integrated rehabilitation information system, provision of gender and age responsive rehabilitation services and various backgrounds of addicts, abusers, and victims of drug abuse in each province /district/city.

2. Increasing human resources in rehabilitation services through training and competency development for rehabilitation officers according to standards.


On this occasion the Director of the RSKP Drugs, Victorious Siahaan in his presentation stated that the rehabilitation carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs is social rehabilitation which aims to improve the social functioning of victims of narcotics, psychotropic, and other addictive substances abuse.


The Ministry of Social Affairs has 186 Compulsory Reporting Recipient Institutions (IPWL) spread throughout Indonesia, consisting of 5 UPTs for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Victims (Central IPWL), 6 IPWLs in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs with the Provincial Government and 175 IPWL belonging to the community.

To help victims of drug abuse to be economically independent, in 2019 out of 19,250 people who were rehabilitated, 1,372 people were given aftercare social assistance, while in 2020 out of 20,320 victims of drug abuse who were rehabilitated, aftercare social assistance was given to 1,298 people.

In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs also builds ATENSI Creation Centers (SKA) as a forum for the products/works of Beneficiaries, including victims of drug abuse.

This coordination meeting was attended by the relevant Ministries/Agencies/Institutions, namely the National Narcotics Agency, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the Indonesian National Police, the Attorney General's Office, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health and from the Correctional Center (Bapas).