KARAWANG (May 18, 2023) - Carrying a sack, Abah Aying walked slowly along the river. One by one, the used plastic bags he found were put into the sack. Abah Aying carried out his routine of scavenging around the house.
To ease the burden of this 77-year-old man, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini instructed her staff to provide assistance. Following up on the Minister of Social Affairs' direction, the Ministry of Social Affairs Team conducted an assessment at Aying's residence in Warakas Hamlet RT 002 RW 006, Kertaraharja Village, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency.
The results of the assessment showed that Aying was a single elderly person whose wife had passed away a long time ago. He has four children, and currently lives with his first child, Masti, and his granddaughter, Sarni. To the officers, Aying admitted that he scavenged to relieve boredom at home.
Aying was made a semi-permanent room next to his children's and grandchildren's house, on his son's land, measuring 2x3 m². "The room is unhealthy, because it has a dirt floor, no ceiling, and is not maintained. There is no excess land that can be used for economic activities," said Head of the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center (STPL) I Ketut Supena (18/05).
Aying's life depends on her children and grandchildren. Masti is a household assistant and farm laborer with an irregular income. Sarni sews dolls for a home industry doll making, with wages paid per dozen of Rp20,000.
Ministry of Social Affairs has provided an understanding to the family to pay attention to Aying so that he no longer scavenges. If he has economic difficulties, Aying can live at STPL Bekasi. "However, Aying refused because he was reluctant to live far from her children and grandchildren," he said.
Ministry of Social Affairs team from the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly and STPL provided Atensi assistance i.e. nutrition, personal hygiene, clothing, and sleeping equipment (mattress, pillow, bolster and bed sheet). Ministry of Social Affairs is also processing the completeness of Aying's population documents to open up opportunities to receive social assistance.
"We coordinate with the local village and related parties to be able to carry out the renewal of (Identification Card/Family Certificate (KTP/KK) so that it can be submitted to the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS)," he said.
Furthermore, the team provided entrepreneurship assistance to Sarni in the form of a sewing machine and supporting equipment for a sewing business (thread, fabric, and so on). This assistance is expected to boost the family's economy. Ministry of Social Affairs is also finalizing home renovation assistance through the Integrated Welfare Home (RST) program.