JAKARTA (October 22, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center Mulya Jaya in Jakarta responded to cases under the Matraman bridge behind the Ministry of Social Affairs office.


Social Counselor, Elmiwati reported the results of the search that there is a Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS) named Anggitosari (40). Anggito was found lying limp, he suffered from tuberculosis for 2 months but the medicine given by the Puskesmas (Public Health Center) was not taken regularly, cause his illness won’t go away.


Anggitosari's daily activities work as a tentmaker. The income received only depends on each existing order. Anggitosari stayed at the tent rental business owner's house because his illness was getting worse. He was asked to go back to his family's house by the tent rental owner, but he didn't have a family so he lived under the Matraman bridge.


Then Anggitosari was taken to the Adyaksa Hospital in East Jakarta by the Balai Mulya Jaya team for treatment. When he arrived at Adyaksa Hospital, Adyaksa Hospital had administrative difficulties because Anggito did not have an identity such as an ID card, with the assistance of the Mulya Jaya team, Anggito was able to be treated at Adyaksa Hospital.


Following up on the results of the examination, the team from Mulya Jaya coordinated with the Adyaksa Hospital in East Jakarta that Anggitosari had pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV, the treatment he was waiting for a pulmonary specialist consultation and for Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment waiting for the condition of the Beneficiary (PM) to improve, currently, PM is still limp and congested.


Anggitosari is currently being treated at the Adyaksa Hospital, East Jakarta, in the isolation room on the 4th floor, room No. 402 to receive treatment for the illness he is suffering from.


The plan to follow up on the results of the assessment carried out by the Social Counselor, Anggito will be taken to Mulya Jaya Jakarta to take part in the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program if his condition has started to improve.