BOGOR (January 11th 2020) - In the social service activity of the Forward Indonesia Cabinet Solidarity Action Organization (OASE KIM) TRC in the field of Social Rehabilitation came down with a joint team of Social Rehabilitation and Dit. PKSBA conducted data mapping of flood victims including children, the elderly, with disabilities and assessments in Bojongkulur Village, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency.

Information obtained at this location, there were 27 RWs that were affected by the flood, with a total of 2600 victims.

The position of Bojongkulur Village is flanked by the Cileungsi River and the Cikeas River. The two rivers meet in the village of Bojongkulur which later became the Bekasi river. In these flood-prone locations, the Cileungsi and Cikeas River Care Community Institute (KP2C) has several monitoring points and has provided information to residents and institutions regarding how high the water will come and the distance from upstream to Bojongkulur Village which covers a distance of about 4- 6 hours.

Mrs. Grace Juliari Batubara, the wife of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs as a member of OASE KIM, chats directly with disaster victims in Bojongkulur Village. The victims told Mrs. Grace Juliari Batubara that their needs were not only for disaster management but also for ready-to-eat food, rubber boats, and it was hoped that water control gates and reservoirs in the upper reaches of the river could be constructed to normalize the Cilegungsi river.