MANADO (November 18, 2019) - Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Juliari P. Batubara and Advisor for the Dharma Wanita Association of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Grace Batubara and the Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey visited the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Tumou Tou" in Manado North Sulawesi Province.

The visit began with a review of various livelihood therapy rooms in the hall, namely computer talk, massage, shiatsu, music, handicrafts and a production house for shredded tuna and skipjack tuna, as well as roa fish dabu-dabu (sambal) and various chips. On this occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs had a direct dialogue and joked casually with the Service Recipients.

Then the Katrili dance and the performance of the BRSPDSN band "Tumou Tou" welcomed the presence of the Minister of Social Affairs in the Hall. The Minister of Social Affairs in his remarks expressed his appreciation to the Head of the Center and all staff who have worked with sincerity and love.

"Working at the Hall is a work of dedication and requires sacrifice. Hopefully all of you will be given strength and health. I entrust our brothers and sisters here. We encourage them so that they do not give up and remain optimistic about the future," concluded the Minister of Social Affairs.

The Minister of Social Affairs also symbolically handed over aids in the form of 69 Talking Cell Phones, 75 Sticks, and 6 Talking Watches for 75 PDSNs in North Sulawesi Province. Edi Suharto, Director General of Social Rehabilitation in his report explained that BRSPDSN "Tumou Tou" has entered into a cooperation / partnership agreement with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, the North Sulawesi Industry Service, and the Business World to market products of the work of people with disabilities, and collaborate with 12 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) with the aim of presenting the latest activities and innovations in order to improve social rehabilitation services for PDSN. Also accompanying the Minister of Social Affairs in this working visit echelon I and II officials within the Ministry of Social Affairs, Special Staff of the Minister of Social Affairs, Head of the Social Service of North Sulawesi Province.