(June 21, 2021) -- The Ministry of
Social Affairs through Phala Martha Sukabumi Center collaborates with the
Bekasi City Social Service and the Bekasi City Population and Civil
Registration Office to attend the "Galuh Sepanjangjaya" LKS (Social
Welfare Institution) Bekasi City to facilitate biometric checks on people with
Mental Disorders (ODGJ) / Persons with Mental Disabilities (PDM) assisted
residents of LKS Galuh Sepanjangjaya.
The Coordinator of the Social Assessment and
Advocacy Section of Phala Martha Center Umar Khaerudin said that the access
facilitation service has the aim of making PDM have a population identified as a
civil right which will be the basis for various assistance programs from the
government and the community, one of which is the ATENSI service from Phala
Martha Center to LKS Galuh Sepanjang Jaya Bekasi City as a partner in a
community-based approach.
The Head of the Bekasi City Population
Administration Registration Section, Ocktavia Silitonga, stated that the
Dukcapil of Bekasi City was following up on the results of coordination that
had previously been carried out by Phala Martha Center with the Social Service
and LKS Galuh Sepanjangjaya.
"Today, together, we carry out biometric
checks on 171 ODGJ/PDM assisted residents of LKS Galuh recommended by the
Bekasi City Social Service and biometric checks are planned to be carried out
for 8 days. Hopefully, it can be completed faster," said Octa.
The owner of the Galuh Sepanjangjaya
Foundation, H. Suhanda expressed his gratitude for the presence of the group
and hoped for assistance from the government to fulfill basic
needs in the form of food, clothing, and health services for the fostered
residents, most of whom have abandoned residents and entrusted by families who
were not economically capable to care for them.
Social Workers of Phala Martha together with
LKS Galuh Sepanjangjaya officers participated in the
biometric checking process assessment for ODGJ/PDM.