CIREBON (January 23, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Kahuripan” Sukabumi carried out the Flood Case Response in Ciuyah Village according to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini.


The Response Team of "Kahuripan" Sukabumi case carried out coordination with the Head of Social Security for the Cirebon Regency Social Office regarding flood management. In addition, the team reviewed the TAGANA post which was used for public kitchens for flood-affected residents, and also reviewed locations affected by flooding, one of which was in Gunungsari Village, Waled District. The Case Response Team and the Village party visited the Gunungsari Village office which was used as a place of evacuee for residents affected by the flood.


Data collection for evacuees is carried out for pregnant women, the elderly, toddlers, and persons with disabilities. From the results of data collection with local parties, it is known that there are 395 families affected by the flood. From these results, the team conducted an assessment of persons with disabilities who were affected by the flood. In Ciuyah village, 3 people with disabilities were affected by the flood, namely 1 person with an intellectual disability named Rika Febrianti (20 years old), 2 people with physical disabilities/ Cerebral Palsy named Muhammad Lutfi Alparaz (11 years old), and Sodia Munaya (19 years old).


The results of the assessment carried out were the provision of ATENSI support in the form of nutrition for persons with disabilities who were affected by flooding in Ciuyah Village, Waled District, Cirebon. The assistance provided was in the form of rice, flour, eggs, oil, soy sauce, spices, cakes, milk, honey, biscuits, and tissue.


"Kahuripan" Center will continue to coordinate with the Cirebon Regency Social Office and Ciuyah Village officials regarding monitoring of subsequent flood conditions.