SUKABUMI (July 27, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Phala Martha and Kahuripan Social Rehabilitation Centers in Sukabumi provided social support to medical personnel and security officers for the Implementation of Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) who were on duty to provide services to the community and patients exposed to COVID-19 in Sukabumi Regency and City.


Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini, Phala Martha, and Kahuripan and with the support of the Tagana Team of the Regency and City of Sukabumi Social Services, operationalize public kitchen services by providing boiled eggs to be distributed to health workers and PPKM security officers.


Secretary of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Arif Nahari, who was on a working visit to the Centers, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Head of Phala Martha and the Head of Kahuripan and all their staff for synergizing with Tagana Sukabumi in opening public kitchen services.


"The results of the Limited Meeting with the Minister of Social Affairs, please the Ministry of Social Affairs can pay attention to the current situation," said Arif. "Giving this attention must be interpreted broadly, which is not only for the Ministry of Social Affairs, but how we play a role, providing support to health workers and PPKM officers as the frontline fighters in handling Covid-19. This public kitchen service is very influential and can contribute to services for health workers and PPKM officers," he added.


“All of this is an integral part of strengthening the Integrity of the Centers. Phala Martha and Kahuripan can have something that has a direct impact on the community, not only for matters related to services, but also to contribute and have more roles that are very influential, and are felt directly by the community," he concluded.


On the first day, the public kitchen service can provide 928 boiled eggs and distribute them to 14 institutions, consisting of Hospitals, Health Centers, and PPKM Security Officers in the Regency and City of Sukabumi. On this occasion, the Secretary of the Inspectorate General released a team that would be tasked with distributing boiled eggs to the location.