SUNDAY (June 26, 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and the Technical Implementation Unit of the Phalamarta Sukabumi Center as well as Budi Perkasa Center Palembang visited and paid special attention to PPKS (Social Welfare Service Recipient) who experienced Cerebal Palsy in Awal Village, Sirah Island Padang District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra.


Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation as well as Acting Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Salahuddin explained that his arrival was in the context of a quick case response under the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini. MoSA had carried out a rapid response in similar cases.


“Today at the direction of the Minister Risma to immediately take Marlina, Senen, and Tantri to the hospital because there are special things to consider, namely to ensure this family gets maximum hospital service, but the most important thing is that there is still their sister, if not immediately anticipate preventing, it can potentially get similar condition,” said Salahuddin.


Based on the results of a Physical Assessment by a Physiotherapist and an examination by a doctor at the Awal Terusan Health Center, Marlina (34) and Senen (26) are Patients with Severe Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy where with these conditions there are no efforts that can be made to improve their physical ability to move.


Meanwhile, Tantri (18) based on physical examination and assessment, had a deformity (a disorder of shape) in the lumbar spine (scoliosis).


Marlina and Senen were physically normal when they were born, but at the age of 6 months, both of them had seizures, and repeated fevers and this resulted in damage to their motor nerves. This results in disturbances in the pattern of movement, muscles, balance, and posture (Cerebral Palsy).


Marlina, Senen, Tantri, and their parents already have ID cards, KK (Family Card), KKS (Welfare Family Card), KIS (Healthy Indonesia Card), KIP (Smart Indonesia Card), and have been included in the DTKS (Social Welfare Integrated Data). All KIS cards that are active have also received BPNT (Basic Food Assistance), BST (Cash Social Assistance), BLT-DD, Rutilahu (Habitable House) from BAZNAS OKI Regency, and basic needs assistance from the OKI Regency Police Chief.


The intervention that will be carried out by providing Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) by Phalamarta Center Sukabumi and Budi Perkasa Center Palembang in the form of assistance for further examinations to Siti Fatimah Hospital Palembang to Marlina and Senen to improve their general health conditions.


Next, further examination assistance was carried out for Tantri for her scoliosis condition and if it was needed, she would be referred to the national referral Orthopedic Hospital at “Soeharso” Center Surakarta.

General health checks for Marlina and Tantri were also facilitated by doctors from the Awal Terusan Health Center who visited their homes, and provided entrepreneurship assistance for family empowerment in the form of Chicken and Duck Livestock with total temporary assistance of IDR 5,713,800,-

The follow-up plan that will be provided by MoSA is to monitor the health conditions of Marlina and Senen through regular home visits, by Social Assistance and the Awal Terusan Health Center, and by monitoring the development of family empowerment that has been provided in the form of chickens and ducks.

The parties involved in this case are the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Phalamartha Center Sukabumi, Budi Perkasa Center Palembang, the OKI District Social Office, Social Rehabilitation Companion, and the Awal Terusan Community Health Center in Awal Terusan Village.