MAGELANG (2 July 2021) - Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini that all Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs implement multi-functional services, the Antasena Magelang Center will pick up and assist the Troubled Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMIB) from Malaysia who come from Bantul initials AHM and from Karanganyar initials IL.


The pick-up at the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Semarang office was carried out by the Antasena Magelang Center Team in coordination with the Kartini Temanggung Center Team. AHM and IL were troubled migrant workers, so they were sent home by the Malaysian government.


After picking them up, the Antasena team took AHM and IL to Antasena Center in Magelang. These beneficiaries (AHM and IL) perform an Antigen Swab first as an effort to implement the Covid-19 prevention health protocol.


After being declared negative for Covid-19, the social worker from the Center conducted an initial assessment to obtain information and explore the potential that could be developed from the beneficiaries.


The Head of the Magelang Antasena Center, Sumarno Sri Wibowo, was also directly involved in the assessment of beneficiaries which was carried out in the Social Rehabilitation Service Room. “Ladies and gentlemen, why were they deported or repatriated from Malaysia? What do you work there and how long have you been there? You are now in Indonesia, already in your own country, you must keep the spirit, you can gather with your beloved family again." said Sumarno Sri Wibowo.


"We are officers from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Antasena Magelang Center, who have the responsibility to assist you until you get home, so don't worry, we will accompany you so that you can immediately meet with your family," said Section Head of Social Rehabilitation Services (LRS) Ihsan.


AHM was repatriated by the Malaysian government after he was suspected of being involved in a murder in the office where he worked. Although in the end he was proven innocent, AHM was imprisoned for 1.5 years, and when he was finally released it turned out that his passport had overstayed, he was finally sent home. Meanwhile, IL was sent home for violence against her biological child and had been in prison for 5 months.


Furthermore, AHM and IL were immediately escorted by the Antasena team to their families' homes after being given direction and motivation from the Antasena Magelang Team.

The two PMIBs did not expect to return to Indonesia because of problems. However, they were happy to see their family again after almost 15 years of not seeing each other. “Thank God, my son is still alive. I thought my son was dead. But I didn't stop praying, asking the Lord Jesus so that I could meet my child again,” said the mother of AHM.

The Antasena team will continue to monitor and will conduct a comprehensive assessment to obtain more information. The goal is that the Center can provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance services according to the needs of the beneficiary.