MoSA’s Assistance Gives Hope for a Baby in Padang to Undergo Chemotherapy
PADANG (24 March 2023) - Sutrisno can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. It is possible for his daughter, Shanum Almahyra, to continue her treatment.
This 5-month-old baby was diagnosed with stage 3 neuroblastoma. This rare disease requires intensive treatment and a lot of costs.
As a casual worker, it is hard for Sutrisno to pay for the treatment of his second child. His house in Sago Hamlet, Manggopoh Village, Lubuk Basung Agam District, West Sumatra Province, is far from having adequate health services.
Therefore, Shanum could not undergo her treatment. How lucky this 31-year-old man was when his situation at that time was monitored by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA). At the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, a joint team from Sentra Handayani Jakarta and the Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) in Padang came to the residence of this little family.
"At the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, the team conducted an assessment. Then we evacuated Shanum to continue her treatment at the M Jamil Central General Hospital (RSUP) in Padang," said the Head of Handayani Center Romal Uli Jaya Sinaga (24/03).
In the hospital, Shanum was able to receive the recommended health action, which was to follow the 3rd out of 4th chemotherapy protocol cycle that was medically necessary before surgery.
Shanum was born with a normal condition before she had bluish discoloration when she cried. After 2 months it was discovered that she was sick with symptoms of swollen abdomen.
"During the treatment, Sutrisno and his family were given temporary accommodation facilities at BBPPKS Padang as well as other necessities," said Head of BBPPKS Padang Hasim.
MoSA also provides social assistance in the form of basic needs and additional nutrition, including pampers, milk, honey and bread for nursing mothers, hygiene kits (soap, detergent, toothpaste, shampoo) and others worth IDR 604,100,-
MoSA’s Team then worked closely with the Agam Regency Social Office as well as social companions to register the family into the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
At the same time, the team and local government proposed that this family receive social assistance since they have not received assistance such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) and others.
The team also continued to assist the family in the treatment process until it was complete. The team also facilitated transportation and accommodation for families while undergoing the treatment process in Padang.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs