MAKASSAR (December 23rd 2019) - The figure of a persons with Physical Disabilities from Lalabata Subdistrict, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, whose full name is Nurfandi, is proud to be able to get Social Rehabilitation services at the "Wirajaya" Makassar Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF). Expression of pride was conveyed by Nurfandi at the BRSPDF "Wirajaya" Multifunction Hall, the venue for the release of 38 persons with physical disabilities who had participated in the 2019 semester II Social Rehabilitation at BRSPDF "Wirajaya", Monday (23/12/2019).

On the sidelines of the release ceremony, Fandi, the nickname of Nurfandi, who has attended social rehabilitation for six months at BRSPDF "Wirajaya", feels grateful to be at the Balai with friends with physical disabilities from various regions in Eastern Indonesia. He got a lot of knowledge during his social rehabilitation program. At Center, Fandi chose men's tailoring skills. In addition to the skills of sewing, he also received a lot of other social therapy skills, including psychosocial therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, mental-spirituality, and also livelihood therapy.

Currently, the 21-year-old man has worked at a well-known retail company in Makassar City. Fandi was accepted to work in November 2019. He made his current place of work as a basic foundation for saving and collecting business capital, so that one day he can become a successful tailor entrepreneur.

Meanwhile, Head of BRSPDF "Wirajaya" Syaiful Samad in his remarks reiterated that the knowledge gained at the center was only a stimulant, including the business assistance package given to children who had participated in social rehabilitation at BRSPDF "Wirajaya" motivating the children to continue creating and continuing to work based on the skill fields that have been accepted at the Center. "Realizing the independence of children, depending on the motivation of each life. If the motivation is to live independently, Insya Allah, it will be realized," said Syaiful.

Syaiful also added that for 2019 BRSPDF "Wirajaya" in Makassar is targeting as many as 120 persons with physical disabilities as Service Recipients to get social rehabilitation services in the Balai. "Alhamdulillah, the target was achieved," said Syaiful

In this release event, 38 persons with Physical Disabilities received assistance with the Productive Economic Business package. "In the future, this assistance is expected to encourage business independence for people with disabilities when starting life activities in the midst of society," concluded Syaiful.