JAKARTA (20 August 2021) - Located in the Bambu
Apus Atensi Creation Center (SKA) area of Social Rehabilitation Center “Panasea”
Jakarta invited 100 orphans who are residents of the Center on Friday
(20/08/2021) to take part in the "Panasea" Cares, Panasea Shares with
This activity was held as
a form of social care for others, especially for those who were abandoned by
their parents so that they did not get adequate love, as well as celebrating
Eid al-Yatama 1443 H 10 Muharram or Lebaran for orphans which fell on Thursday
In addition, this activity
aims to make SKA Bambu Apus a public space that can bring the Center closer to
the surrounding community.
While maintaining health
protocols, every child who comes registers by maintaining distance, measuring
body temperature and also washing hands / using hand sanitizer.
Furthermore, in his
speech, the head of Panasea Center Dede Khaerufirdaos said that SKA Bambu Apus
carries out the function of Social Development, namely getting closer to the
surrounding community. "SKA Bambu Apus is a public space that provides
facilities for the community, as well as functions to provide information and
education regarding problems and development of social welfare," said
Dede. "May our intentions be blessed and the big family of Panasea Center in
the protection of Allah always," he said in his closing remarks.
The event continued with
the reading of the Qur'an by Beneficiary "A", collective prayer,
providing information and education about profiles, Panasea Center services by
Social Workers and Social Counselors in the SKA gallery room.