TASIKMALAYA (May 28, 2022) — The Ministry of Social Affairs held a commemoration of the 26th National Elderly Day in 2022 in Tasikmalaya Regency. Tasikmalaya is one of the regencies in West Java Province which is inhabited by around 1.7 million people, some of whom are elderly.


MoSA through "Pangudi Luhur" Bekasi Integrated Center continues to strive to provide optimal services to the elderly, one of which is through the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Service (ATENSI). ATENSI services are provided by the Integrated Center through direct services that include meeting the needs of a decent living, social care, family support, therapy (physical, psychosocial, mental, and spiritual), vocational training, and/or entrepreneurship coaching, social assistance, and accessibility support.


This ATENSI service is implemented by providing adequate living fulfillment services for the elderly in the form of nutritional needs, clothing, housing, and medicines. Providing accessibility support in the form of adaptive canes, adaptive wheelchairs, tricycle motors, hearing aids, and glasses. There is also assistance with household equipment and room facilities for the elderly. In addition, entrepreneurship assistance is also provided as an alternative to productive activities that can realize the socio-economic independence of the elderly.


The distribution of aid was distributed in several locations in Tasikmalaya Regency, including in Cigalontang District, Cineam District, and at the Miftahul Irfan Social Welfare Institution (LKS) in Banyurasa Village, Sukaheuning District.


Head of Administration, Bambang Giantara conveyed the distribution target that had been achieved by his team. "As of today, Saturday, May 28, 2022, 352 aid packages have been distributed from a target of 767 elderly," said Bambang.


“Through steep terrain, narrow and muddy roads, assistance was given directly to the homes of the beneficiaries by the Integrated Center team. The remaining assistance will be given at the peak of the 26th HLUN on May 29, 2022, totaling 415," he added.


Yoyoh Komariyah (60 years old), one of the beneficiaries expressed his gratitude to the officers. "Thank God, I am very grateful because I have never received help like this before," said Yoyoh.