EAST LOMBOK (October 17, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Paramita Center Mataram together with a member of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Commission VIII, Nanang Samodra, distributed aid to 170 Persons with Disabilities in Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency.


Located in the Sembalun District Office Hall, the working visit of the Commission VIII DPR RI started at 09:30 am and started with the singing of the anthem Indonesia Raya which was sung by all participants.


Then the activity continued with a speech delivered by Sembalun District, represented by the Secretary of Sembalun District Head, Halid S.H. He said, "It is an honor for us to have guests from the House who come from Jakarta and also representatives from MoSA who will help our residents, our brothers, and sisters. We are very grateful for the visit and the extraordinary attention to the residents that can be said to be in a remote area," he said.


Furthermore, the Head of the Paramita Center also conveyed a message, "The Paramita Center is a Technical Implementing Unit of MoSA that handles various Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS), apart from persons with disabilities, we also handle Children Needing Special Protection (AMPK), Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH ), We handle neglected babies and various other PPKS. Besides East Lombok, we handle 10 regencies/cities in West Nusa Tenggara Province and 2 regencies in East Nusa Tenggara Province, namely West Sumbawa and Southwest Sumba.”


Sudirman added, “The assistance we are currently providing is in the form of nutrition, wheelchairs, adaptive crutches, water sensor accessibility aids, and hearing aids. This is part of our effort to help you all and to be part of the presence of the state to all Indonesian citizens in need,” he said.


Nanang Samodra in his speech said, "The Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini has a very high concern to help our brothers/sisters with disabilities. Therefore, I immediately contacted the Head of Paramita Center and all village heads in Sembalun District to provide data on persons with disabilities and ensure that they deserve to get assistance from the government through MoSA, in this case, Paramita Center", said Nanang.


"Soon, Sembalun will become a big city because it is a tourism destination of ​​Mount Rinjani. In the future we will work together to make products labeled halal, we will facilitate it for free, therefore supporting the implementation of our independent society and providing assistance for Persons with Disabilities which can be used as a first step for the progress of the Sembalun area," added Nanang.

The next session was a discussion, in which the recipients were very active in expressing their aspirations and opinions. Suhandi is one of the recipients of assistance from Sajang Village, the facilities for Taman Pendidikan Alquran are inadequate in Sajang Village, he needs assistance to procure the equipment. Nanang replied "I will assist with this activity, then we will encourage the East Lombok Regional Government to able to organize activities that can support Islamic boarding schools. We will try to increase assistance for Islamic Boarding Schools. I do not promise, but we strive together", said Nanang.

Siska Andriani, a resident of Sembalun Blumbung, also shared her opinion, "We need special schools here, Mr. Nanang because many persons with disabilities cannot continue their education level, and Nanang replied "we will hold a Musrenbang (Development Planning Discussion) at the central level and we can propose for SLB (special schools) in Sembalun", concluded Nana.

The assistance provided by Paramita Center during the Working Visit of DPR RI Commission VIII members amounted to IDR185,954,000, - in the form of additional assistance for nutritional needs for persons with disabilities, and various accessibility aids in the form of wheelchairs, adaptive guide sticks, water sensors for persons with visual sensory disabilities, and hearing aids.