WEST LOMBOK (August 17, 2022) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through Paramita
Center in Mataram held a flag ceremony commemorating of the 77th
Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
This year, the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of
Indonesia carries the theme "Recover Faster, Rise Stronger" as a form
of its strength for the Indonesian nation to rise to fight after the
COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremony was attended by all employees of Paramita
Center as well as male and female beneficiaries. Acting as the ceremonial
supervisor was the Head of Paramita Center, Sudirman.
"To fulfill the independence of the
Republic of Indonesia and support the theme of independence in 2017, we as
Paramita employees are obliged to carry out all activities with solemnity,
enthusiasm, cooperation, and knowledge sharing," Sudirman said.
Sudirman also expressed his gratitude because this
year the ceremony could be held face-to-face directly so it indicates
that currently, all levels of society have been rising from the COVID-19 pandemic for
more than 2 years.
Furthermore, Sudirman directed all employees to work hand in hand to make all the Ministry of Social Affairs programs successful, especially in dealing with social problems in the work area or the environment around the employee's residence.