WEST LOMBOK (October 01,
2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Paramita Center held a
Flag Ceremony in commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day 2022 which was
attended by all employees, both State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Non-Civil Servant
Government Employees (PPNPN) and Beneficiaries at Mataram Paramita Center.
The ceremony started at
08.00 a.m. and was held in the main square of the Paramita Center. The Inspector
of the Ceremony was H. Sudirman the Head of Paramita Center. The ceremony took
place very solemnly and in an orderly manner combined with a quiet atmosphere
that added to the sacredness of the ceremony on this day.
The ceremony carried the
theme "Rise Together with Pancasila" and was held to honor the services
of the revolutionary heroes who died in the events of the September 30th
Movement of Indonesian Communist Party or what we often called as G30S/PKI and
to reminisce on the history of defending the nation's ideology, namely
As a series of ceremonial processions, the
Pledge of the Sanctity of Pancasila was also read which contained the flames of
enthusiasm and appeals to all Indonesians to determine, maintain, and practice the values of Pancasila as a source of strength to rally
together to fight for, uphold truth and justice for the integrity of the
Unitary State Republic of Indonesia.