MATARAM (25 August 2021) – Social Rehabilitation Center "Paramita" as a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs in the Evaluation of Public Service Units held by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms carried out a presentation which was directly presented by the Head of the Center.


The Head of the Center explained several points, including: service programs, service standards, types of services, information accessible to the public, complaint services, service announcements, community satisfaction surveys and other assessment components.


Information systems through electronic media are carried out through social media applications that can be accessed by the public. The electronic media that can be used as public service media are the Center’s Website, Facebook and Instagram. In addition, "Paramita" Center provides direct services to people who need information by coming directly to the Center and heading to the public service room at the front office.


In addition to explaining the condition of public services, the Head of Center also explained about the innovations made by Paramita, including: " Smart Children at Parama Coffee" namely the Integrated Information Center for Child Services at Parama Coffee. In addition, there is also the innovation "Abah Lo Ego Dancing" is a Child Facing the Law of Managing Water Hyacinth, the General Public Becomes Independent.


"All the public service innovations that the Center has carried out have been published through YouTube media so that the public knows the big steps that have been taken by the "Paramita" Center to gain a place in the hearts of the people, especially in providing services to the community. Of course, not a few people appreciate everything the innovation that Paramita has created," said Ketut Supena as Head of the "Paramita" Center.


In addition to explaining the things mentioned above, the Head of the Center also provided an explanation of supporting facilities and infrastructure such as the front office for consulting and information services, as well as various banners and information boards that provide an easy-to-understand display for the public.


Of course, this is the center's effort and commitment in providing services that are integrative, holistic, standardized and easily accessible.