SIGI (October 29, 2019) - Play therapy is part of the psychosocial therapy process in changing the behavior of service recipients to have courage, creativity, and a spirit of tolerance among others. According to Kate Wilson in her book Play Therapy, play therapy is defined as a means of creating an intense relationship experience between the therapist and children or young people, whose main medium of communication is play.
Play therapy for recipients of the Palu Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) "Nipotowe" was held at the Bora Hot Spring Tourism Site. A total of 35 service recipients participated in the activity.
Play therapy is carried out outside the Balai to increase the enthusiasm of service recipients so that they do not get bored of activities inside the Balai. The tight schedule of activities greatly impacts the boredom of service recipients. Therefore, routine play therapy activities are carried out.
The service officer
leads the group dynamics activities. This activity was in the form of a glass racing
game with balloons. The service recipient is asked to take an empty glass with
a balloon inflated in the glass. The group that is able to collect the most
glasses wins the game. Another game that is done in this activity is flying