MEDAN (November 13, 2019) - Recreational therapy activities held by the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) “Bahagia” in Medan with Beneficiaries of TBS for 3 months and TBS for 2 weeks. This activity was held at the Stakoetoe Sugan Outbound Forum, Salam Tani, Kali Pancur District, Deli Serdang Regency and was guided by the Stakoetoe Outbound team.

Recreational is activities that are fun and able to develop physically, socially, and emotionally through the media of playing, tourism and sports. Tien Septemberiawati as Head of the Social Rehabilitation Service Section said that the purpose of this activity was to increase cooperation and creativity, form an optimistic attitude, develop social relationship skills, and foster a sense of joy, freshness and enthusiasm in participating in activities at the Hall.

This recreational therapy is able to increase the enthusiasm of TBS Beneficiaries for 3 months and 2 weeks because it is filled with various dynamic group activities. Group dynamics contain interesting games, each of which has its own objectives such as teamwork, sharpening focus, and strategy. The games that were carried out included 'catch hands' to increase the focus of the beneficiaries, 'introductions' to get to know each other, 'dancing on the newspaper', 'passing water and flour' and other games that made the beneficiaries even more enthusiastic.

Beneficiaries look enthusiastic, enthusiastic and happy to participate in every game that is given. They also encourage group cohesiveness to show their best in any given game.