CIANJUR (December 7, 2022) - Handayani Center Jakarta team since 8 a.m. has received representatives of the heads of families of Cianjur earthquake survivors who came in droves to the Social Affairs Ministry's tent in Jagaraksa Field, Warungkondang District, Cianjur. Their arrival this time was to fulfill an invitation conveyed by BNPB (National Board for Disaster Management) Verification Team the day before. The invitation was about printing an account book in collaboration with Bank Mandiri as a form of compensation for the government's concern for survivors of Cianjur earthquake in Warungkondang District.


Following the orders and directions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to his staff to prepare housing assistance funds to repair damaged houses for victims and carry out post-earthquake recovery. In addition, Jokowi also asked that rebuilding homes affected by the earthquake be designed to use earthquake-resistant standards.


Following up on this, a few days ago a team from PUPR (Public Work and Public Housing) ministry together with a team of volunteers and BNPB conducted a validation survey directly to earthquake survivors' houses in Warungkondang sub-district which had been heavily damaged, collapsed, or had to be relocated. The results of the data obtained by the team became a reference material for the nominal amount of assistance to be received by survivors taking into account the severity of the damage to their houses due to the earthquake they experienced.


In this activity, Handayani Center helped the survivors of Cianjur earthquake, especially parents and the elderly who had no experience in filling out the registration form for a savings account. In addition to helping to order the queue of the survivors who will print the savings book.


The details of compensation assistance are as follows: the house was heavily damaged total of IDR 50,000,000, moderate damage was IDR 25,000,000, and mild damage was IDR 10,000,000. Regarding confirmation that the money is already in the account until the disbursement process, it is hoped that all residents can patiently wait for further instructions from BNPB.


All affected residents are happy with the attention of this government program. We hope that the earthquake will pass quickly and we can recover and return to normal activities as usual.