BEKASI (June 18, 2021) - In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have been in a rapid increase. This spike in cases was caused by massive social interactions and violations of health protocols. The existence of a new variant called the Delta Variant is also known to be more easily transmitted than the original variant.

In response to this, in accordance with the Office Note of the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation number 1470/4.1/KS.02/6/2021 concerning the Implementation of Antigen Swabs, the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center carries out Antigen Swabs for all Civil Servants (PNS), Employees Non-PNS Government (PPNPN) and Beneficiaries (PM). A total of 97 people, with details of 39 civil servants, 17 PPNPN people, and 41 PMs, were declared negative (-) for Covid-19.

The Center, which has the duties and functions of providing social protection for the elderly, has also made adjustments in carrying out activities within the Center. Activities are carried out in compliance with health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap and running water, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobilization and interaction.

Apart from that, to avoid crowds and maintain a safe distance, the Center carries out activities in open spaces. One of them is through gardening activities at Elderly Agrotourism. The sweet potato plantation that had been planted several months earlier had entered harvest time. Dewi Kania, Head of the Administration Sub-Division, said that the swab activity was continued with community service activities at Elderly Agrotourism.

"After the swab, the plan is for employees and PPNPN who live inside to do community service in Agrotourism who are currently harvesting sweet potatoes and cassava and then replanting them," said Dewi.

This is used by employees to carry out safe activities during this pandemic. The employees seemed enthusiastic about carrying out community service which was followed by sweet potato harvesting activities.

Through this activity, it is hoped that employees who provide direct services to the elderly, who are a vulnerable group, can be protected from the COVID-19 virus. Apart from that, this activity can reduce employee boredom during the pandemic.