In his remarks, Johnny G. Plate the builder of the ceremony said that
Harkitnas is usually celebrated on May 20 every year. This year, the
commemoration of Harkitnas falls on Friday, May 20, 2022, and is its 114th
Harkitnas is one of the important warnings for the Indonesian people.
Harkitnas is commemorated to remember the momentum of the struggle of the Indonesian
people which was marked by the birth of an organization called Budi Utomo in
“This year, we commemorate the 114th National Awakening Day. This year,
'Let's Rise Together' is the theme as a form of appeal so that we can rise
together from the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the last two years. The
commemoration should not only be interpreted as a ceremonial one. To
understand the historical essence of the National Awakening, let us briefly
examine the historical side behind the commemoration of the National Awakening
Day," Johnny G. Plate in his remarks.
On May 20, 1948, President Soekarno set the birthday of the Boedi Oetomo
association as the Day of the Rise of Indonesian Nationalism. At that time,
there was a threat of division between groups and ideologies amid
Indonesia's struggle to maintain independence from the Dutch who wanted to
return to power. Thus, the spirit of unity initiated by Boedi Oetomo is
expected to be a spirit of gathering strength and preventing national
Boedi Oetomo is the first national and modern organization in Indonesia
in the history of the independence movement. Founded by Dr. Sutomo and the
students of STOVIA (School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen) in 1908; Boedi
Oetomo was born to catch up with the Indonesian nation from other nations. An
organization that unites movements in Indonesia from regional to national ones
with the ultimate goal of independence.
Hopefully, the spirit of Boedi Oetomo is still relevant for us to contextualize in today's national life. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the Ukraine-Russia conflict which has caused global economic conditions and geopolitics to become unstable, we should interpret national awakening as the nation's collective effort to strengthen national unity.
In terms of handling Covid-19 at the national level, we can see that our efforts are increasingly showing positive results, as indicated by the daily new cases below 400 cases and the total active cases already below the number.
5.00 cases (Data as of May 13, 2022). In addition, the achievement of the second dose of Covid-19 vaccination has also reached 79 percent. However, we should remain vigilant and continue to improve the discipline of health protocols.
The improved handling of Covid-19 has implications for the gradual return of normal community activities. Gradually, this encourages the recovery of the national economy. The Indonesian economy in quarter I-2022 compared to quarter I-2021 grew by 5.01 percent (y-on-y). Almost all business fields grew positively, except for Government Administration and Education Services.
In terms of production, three business fields experienced high growth, namely:
1) Transportation and Warehousing Business Sector 15.79%
2) Other Services Sector 8.29%
3) Information and Communication Sector 7.14%
Let's continue to work hard and synergize to maintain and improve Indonesia's national economy. This good momentum is further strengthened by Indonesia's role in the G20 Presidency in 2022.
At this year's G20 Presidency, Indonesia carries the theme "Recover Together, Recover Stronger", to be able to provide a new spirit in realizing a world order that can provide inclusive prosperity and ensure the sustainability of life in the future.
The G20 meeting chaired by Indonesia this year brought up three priority issues, namely an Inclusive Global Health Architecture, Digital-based Transformation, and the Sustainable Energy Transition.
The G20 priority themes and issues raised by Indonesia are a reflection of the spirit of revival that we celebrate today, namely amid the downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have never lost our minds to recover together and rise stronger. Indonesia continues to encourage G20 member countries to take concrete actions and is ready to collaborate and build strength so that the world community and humanity can feel the real impact of this collaboration.
Quoting Dr. Sutomo "As long as the Indonesian bulls still have red blood that can make a piece of white cloth red and white, during that time we will not surrender to anyone."
Amid the momentum of the national
handling of Covid-19 which is getting better and the Presidency of the G20
Indonesia, we should be able to interpret Dr. Sutomo to commemorate National
Awakening Day this year as a milestone in the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic as
well as the multidimensional crisis that is currently sweeping the world. From
Indonesia, the World Recovers Together. Let's Rise Stronger!