PALEMBANG (11 November 2019) - Director of Social Rehabilitation for Social Tuna and Victims of Human Trafficking (RTS & KPO), Waskito Budi Kusumo accompanied by the Head of Social Service for South Sumatra Province, Rosidin Hasan and Head of Sub-Directorate for Social Rehabilitation of Former Correctional Assistance (BWBP), Afrinaldi opened and gave directions in the Psychosocial Development activities of BWBP South Sumatra at Hotel The Zuri Palembang.

Waskito Budi Kusumo said that "From now on, leave the bad past so that we dare to rise from adversity, the spirit continues to be able to change, because with strong enthusiasm, everyone will be able to rise to a better future."

Everything must be passed through a process, keep trying even though it's small, especially to be able to support ourselves and our family and when later our efforts can move forward, we can start to attract relatives or friends to join so that people will glance at us and not be one eye anymore, show us that we are can succeed, "concluded Waskito Budi Kusumo

The activity was held for four days on 10-14 November 2019, with 60 participants from the Former Assisted Prisoners of South Sumatra (BWBP).