CIBINONG (15 July 2021) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Bogor "Ciungwanara" Center is again producing boiled eggs for distribution to health workers in the Bogor and Cianjur districts.


Relentlessly, the public kitchen at Ciungwanara Center continues to produce boiled eggs for distribution to several hospitals and cemeteries in Bogor Regency and Cianjur Regency.


At this moment there is a different appearance, the Beneficiaries (PM) of the Center participate in the process of cleaning raw eggs to be boiled. The Beneficiaries eagerly and painstakingly clean one by one the raw eggs to be boiled.


This is a form of their concern for health workers who are struggling to provide maximum health services to people affected by Covid-19.


One of the beneficiaries with the initials “H” said that he was very happy to be able to help clean the eggs to be boiled.


"I am very happy to be able to participate in cleaning the eggs that will be boiled. Hopefully after the eggs are cooked they can be eaten immediately by the ladies and gentlemen who work in hospitals and cemeteries, so that they are all healthy, strong and can help people who are sick because of this coronavirus, "says "H".


Head of the "Ciungwanara" Center, Siti Sari Rukmayanti, said that she deliberately involved the beneficiaries in the process of cleaning the eggs to be boiled this time.


"Our beneficiaries teach us how to care for health workers who are at the forefront of fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. As the vanguard, health workers must have good nutrition as well. Beneficiaries look very happy to participate in this activity," said Sari.


In today's production, "Ciungwanara" Center can produce as many as 6,638 boiled eggs which are distributed to health workers at RSUD Ciawi 1,486 eggs, RSUD Pagelaran 480 eggs, and RSUD Cimacan 982 eggs.


Furthermore, for the health workers at RSUD Sayang 1,290 eggs, RSUD Leuwiliang 600 eggs, RSUD Cileungsi 800 eggs, RSUD Cisarua 950 eggs, and funeral workers as many as 50 eggs.