PURWAKARTA (23 May 2020) – Monitoring of the process of distributing basic food assistance (bansos) and Cash Social Assistance (BST) for residents affected by COVID-19, is carried out by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.
Today, residents have been able to disburse BST while still paying attention to health protocols when queuing at the Central Post Office in Purwakarta before being called out one by one by officers.
Shifting across the street from PT Pos, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation accompanied by the Regent of Purwakarta Anne Ratna Mustika monitored the delivery of basic food assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to Elderly (LU) and People with Disabilities (PD). But Harry was not alone, he was accompanied by the Director of Social Services for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito; Director of Social Affairs for the Socially Impaired and Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Waskito Budi Kusumo, Head of the Bekasi Budhi Dharma Center, Pujiono, Head of Pangudi Luhur Center, Kokom Komala; and the Head of the Mulya Jaya Jakarta Center, Juena Sitepu.
The responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs is to meet the basic needs of people affected by COVID-19, as a social safety net for people with visual disabilities, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities and mental disabilities.
"According to the request from the President through Social Minister Juliari P Batubara, we are here to distribute basic food assistance for the elderly and people with disabilities," said Harry starting his remarks at the Bakorwil Office in front of the Head Office, Purwakarta Regency Government, Saturday (23/5/2020).
In Purwakarta, 94 packages of social assistance were distributed symbolically to the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for Persons with Disabilities. Meanwhile, for the UPT social assistance for the elderly (LU) as many as 60 packages. Harry also advised the elderly during the pandemic to stay at home, because they are a vulnerable group and are at high risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
Today, residents have been able to disburse BST while still paying attention to health protocols when queuing at the Central Post Office in Purwakarta before being called out one by one by officers.
Shifting across the street from PT Pos, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation accompanied by the Regent of Purwakarta Anne Ratna Mustika monitored the delivery of basic food assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to Elderly (LU) and People with Disabilities (PD). But Harry was not alone, he was accompanied by the Director of Social Services for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito; Director of Social Affairs for the Socially Impaired and Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Waskito Budi Kusumo, Head of the Bekasi Budhi Dharma Center, Pujiono, Head of Pangudi Luhur Center, Kokom Komala; and the Head of the Mulya Jaya Jakarta Center, Juena Sitepu.
The responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs is to meet the basic needs of people affected by COVID-19, as a social safety net for people with visual disabilities, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities and mental disabilities.
"According to the request from the President through Social Minister Juliari P Batubara, we are here to distribute basic food assistance for the elderly and people with disabilities," said Harry starting his remarks at the Bakorwil Office in front of the Head Office, Purwakarta Regency Government, Saturday (23/5/2020).
In Purwakarta, 94 packages of social assistance were distributed symbolically to the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for Persons with Disabilities. Meanwhile, for the UPT social assistance for the elderly (LU) as many as 60 packages. Harry also advised the elderly during the pandemic to stay at home, because they are a vulnerable group and are at high risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
"By distributing basic food assistance to the elderly and people with disabilities, it is hoped that the elderly and people with disabilities will stay at home and always follow health protocols," Harry hoped.
Before distributing basic food assistance in Karawang, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation also monitored the process of disbursing BST funds at the Karawang Post Office. The Director General of Social Affairs symbolically handed over the social assistance assistance to "Tan Miyat" Center and "Budi Dharma" Center at Gempol Village Hall, Banyusari District, Karawang, as many as 79 packages for people with disabilities and 150 packages for the elderly.
A total of 78 food packages were handed over to the Branch Management Board (DPC) of the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) Karawang and the Association of Indonesian Women with Disabilities (HWDI) Karawang. Met at the food distribution center, Iman, 50 years old, who works as a blind masseur every day, admitted that he was very happy to receive basic food assistance which coincided with the Eid al-Fitr tomorrow.
“I am very grateful to the government, especially the Minister of Social Affairs who has given attention to residents like us and this social assistance for Eid. So, tomorrow (we can celebrate) Eid," said the happy father of two.
Before distributing basic food assistance in Karawang, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation also monitored the process of disbursing BST funds at the Karawang Post Office. The Director General of Social Affairs symbolically handed over the social assistance assistance to "Tan Miyat" Center and "Budi Dharma" Center at Gempol Village Hall, Banyusari District, Karawang, as many as 79 packages for people with disabilities and 150 packages for the elderly.
A total of 78 food packages were handed over to the Branch Management Board (DPC) of the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) Karawang and the Association of Indonesian Women with Disabilities (HWDI) Karawang. Met at the food distribution center, Iman, 50 years old, who works as a blind masseur every day, admitted that he was very happy to receive basic food assistance which coincided with the Eid al-Fitr tomorrow.
“I am very grateful to the government, especially the Minister of Social Affairs who has given attention to residents like us and this social assistance for Eid. So, tomorrow (we can celebrate) Eid," said the happy father of two.
As emotional as Iman, Rina, 45 years old, a housewife with a physical disability received basic food assistance directly from the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.
"Thank you so much to the Minister of Social Affairs for this assistance, it means a lot to my family," said Rina, teary eyed.
Implementation of Social Safety Net
Implementation of social safety nets by browsing the residents affected by COVID-19 who have not received social assistance either from the President's assistance, the Family Hope Program (PKH) or Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).
"Symbolically, we handed over 128 of the 737 food assistance packages to UPT Pangudi Luhur," explained Harry.
The handover of the basic food assistance was received directly by Supadi, the Chair of the Karang Madya LKS and witnessed by the Chairman of RT 006 Boy Sandi in Jatibaru Village, West Cikarang Bekasi, Friday (22/5/2020). Meanwhile, for displaced people who have not received the regular social assistance program, they must be registered through the RT RW to the sub-district so that they can be recorded in the sub-district for further assistance.
The basic food packages containing rice, biscuits, cooking oil, sardines and instant noodles, will be obtained by each service need that has been recorded by the Social Welfare Institution (LKS) which is a partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Head of the Center, Kokom Komalawati asked for the assistance that was distributed so that it was best utilized by the service needs and LKS could distribute assistance according to the data from the outreach with the officers of the "Pangudi Luhur" Social Rehabilitation Center for Ex Homeless and Beggars (BRSEGP).
The Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Center distributed 737 food packages to residents affected by COVID-19 in 6 areas, namely Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Karawang Regency, East Jakarta City, West Jakarta City, and Depok City.
In its distribution, it cooperates with working partner LKS spread across 6 locations. The first location for the distribution of basic food assistance is at LKS Karang Madya, Bekasi Regency, Kalijaya Village, West Cikarang.
Simultaneous Distribution of Basic Food Assistance in All Centers
Data from the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation as of Thursday (21/5/2020) noted that 31 technical implementation Unit UPTs had distributed 27,904 food packages out of 36 thousand packages with details: UPT Children as many as 4,200 packages, UPT for Persons with Disabilities 14,681 packages, UPT for Social Tuna and Victims of Trafficking in Persons 2,337 packages, UPT for Drug Abuse Victims 3,648 packages, and UPT for the Elderly 3,038 packages.
All balai and loka (centers) symbolically distributed food packages at the same time: at "Mulya Jaya" Center in Jakarta, 40 out of 500 packages were symbolically distributed; "Pangudi Luhur" BRSEGP in Bekasi distributed 128 of the total 737 food packages; "Mahatmiya" BRSPDSN Bali symbolically distributed 5 packages out of 69 packages received by people with visual disabilities.
“Alyatama” BRSAMPK in Jambi distributed 206 packages out of a total of 1000 packages; "Rumbai" BRSAMPK Pekanbaru distributed 20 packages out of 528 packages; "Wirajaya" BRSPDF in Makassar is symbolically 1 package out of a total of 410 packages.
"Darussa'adah" LRSAMPK in Aceh distributed 50 of the total 240 packages; "Kahuripan" LRSODH in Sukabumi was handed over 504 packages out of a total of 504 packages from the Center refocussing budget.
The Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Center distributed 737 food packages to residents affected by COVID-19 in 6 areas, namely Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Karawang Regency, East Jakarta City, West Jakarta City, and Depok City.
In its distribution, it cooperates with working partner LKS spread across 6 locations. The first location for the distribution of basic food assistance is at LKS Karang Madya, Bekasi Regency, Kalijaya Village, West Cikarang.
Simultaneous Distribution of Basic Food Assistance in All Centers
Data from the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation as of Thursday (21/5/2020) noted that 31 technical implementation Unit UPTs had distributed 27,904 food packages out of 36 thousand packages with details: UPT Children as many as 4,200 packages, UPT for Persons with Disabilities 14,681 packages, UPT for Social Tuna and Victims of Trafficking in Persons 2,337 packages, UPT for Drug Abuse Victims 3,648 packages, and UPT for the Elderly 3,038 packages.
All balai and loka (centers) symbolically distributed food packages at the same time: at "Mulya Jaya" Center in Jakarta, 40 out of 500 packages were symbolically distributed; "Pangudi Luhur" BRSEGP in Bekasi distributed 128 of the total 737 food packages; "Mahatmiya" BRSPDSN Bali symbolically distributed 5 packages out of 69 packages received by people with visual disabilities.
“Alyatama” BRSAMPK in Jambi distributed 206 packages out of a total of 1000 packages; "Rumbai" BRSAMPK Pekanbaru distributed 20 packages out of 528 packages; "Wirajaya" BRSPDF in Makassar is symbolically 1 package out of a total of 410 packages.
"Darussa'adah" LRSAMPK in Aceh distributed 50 of the total 240 packages; "Kahuripan" LRSODH in Sukabumi was handed over 504 packages out of a total of 504 packages from the Center refocussing budget.
"Abiyoso" Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) Cimahi distributed 130 packages out of 700 packages; "Naibonat" BRSAMPK in Kupang symbolically distributed 8 packages out of 593 packages; "Dharma Guna" BRSPDM in Bengkulu distributed 395 food packages.
"Phala Martha" BRSPDM in Sukabumi distributed 577 packages; "Handayani" BRAMPK and "Nipotowe" BRSPDI Palu symbolically distributed 150 packages and 83 packages out of a total of 600 packages; "Cibinong" BBRVPD distributed 585 food packages.
The use of the refocussing funds for the COVID-19 assistance from "Tan Miyat" Center Bekasi amounted to 933 packages. Distribution on Friday (22/5/2020) in Bekasi City 101 packages; Bekasi Regency 294 packages; Majalengka 67 packages; and Subang 58 packages.
Meanwhile, the distribution of basic food assistance on Saturday (23/5/2020) in Purwakarta was 97 packages; Karawang 80 packages; Cirebon 28 packages; Indramayu 87 packages; and Brass 121 packages.