EAST LOMBOK (August 1, 2022) - Qoriatul Hafizah from Keselet Village, Sakra District, East Lombok is
proud to receive a Hearing Aid (ABD) at the highlight of National Children's
Day 2022 whose implementation is centered in Selong District, Capital City,
East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province.
With the ABD given, Qoriatul, who is now in the fifth grade of Elementary School, feels that her hearing is back to normal. Before this, Qoriatul took part in a series of examinations and was taught how to use ABD and taught directly by the medical team at the event location.
The Acting Head of Wirajaya Center Makassar, Bambang Tri Hartono, who was met on the sidelines of the event, was pleased with the provision of ABD assistance that Qoriatul received. "Hopefully this can make Qoriatul confidence, especially in mingling and interacting with other children," he hoped.
Meanwhile, the Secretary KORPRI of Ministry of Social Affairs, Tati Nugrahati, who was also present at the series of HAN activities, was pleased to be able to collaborate with Wirajaya Center work team. "We and the team are pleased to be able to take part in this year's HAN activities. It must be ensured that children's rights are fulfilled because children are the future generation of the nation," she said.
The peak of the implementation of HAN itself was attended by Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini. In front of hundreds of East Lombok children, the Minister continued to provide motivation and advised children not to bully other children. In addition, the Minister also prohibits children from committing crimes, and Indonesian children must stay away from drugs. “Indonesian children are smart, brave, and cheerful Indonesian children don't commit crimes, and stay away from drugs," she said.
In addition to ABD services, the peak event for the implementation of HAN has also opened a booth for population administration services for children. This service is intended for children who wish to have a Child Identity Card (KIA). The committee also provides eye examination services for children. Including a variety of children's games also prepared by the committee.