GARUT (July 21, 2022) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Pangudi Luhur" Integrated Center Bekasi has deployed an Emergency Response Team for flood-affected victims in Garut Regency. This disaster occurred on Friday (15/07/2022) at 23:41 WIB. The location points for this flood disaster include 6 sub-districts spread over 9 villages and 3 sub-districts.

Based on the results of field monitoring, flooding was caused by heavy rain with a long duration throughout Friday (15/07/2022). So far, there have been no reports of casualties from this disaster.

Head of the "Pangudi Luhur" Integrated Center Bekasi, I Ketut Supena said that the arrival of the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center emergency team as soon as possible after the disaster occurred, was the first step in efforts to protect victims affected by flooding.

"The initial steps taken by the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center to provide protection for victims affected by floods are to carry out internal and external coordination, Outreach to vulnerable groups affected, namely the elderly, children and persons with disabilities, Implementation of Psychosocial Support Services activities, Needs assessment Assistance to Distribution of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) Support,” said Ketut, as he is usually called.

Furthermore, the team also provides health services for vulnerable groups including children, adolescents, pregnant women, housewives and the elderly. A total of 42 people underwent medical examinations with mild complaints.

In addition, the Psychosocial Support Service (LDP) was also successfully implemented in collaboration with the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Disaster and Emergency Victims and the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims. The LDP activities carried out are in the form of simple games with children's targets.

Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance is also given to victims based on an assessment carried out by the team. Assistance in the form of medicine and biscuits totaling 7 packages for infants 0-12 months and a total of 25 packages for children 1-5 years. There are 5 kindergarten age children in the form of places to eat, books, and crayons. There are 36 packs of elementary school age children, 15 junior high school age children and 15 high school age children in the form of school supplies. Meanwhile, the elderly are provided with nutrition, clothing, and medicines.

The quick response of the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center in providing protection for victims affected by floods is a manifestation of the Ministry of Social Affairs' presence in responding to disasters for disaster victims, especially vulnerable groups so that their health and basic needs are met through disasters that occur.