BEKASI (30 July 2021) - Three Technical Implementation Units (UPT) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs consisting of the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center, "Tan Miyat" Center for Persons with Sensory Disabilities and the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Training Center signed the Cooperation Agreement ( PKS) with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.


The signing of the cooperation with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk aims to facilitate the distribution of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) and is a follow-up to the collaboration that has been implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs with PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk in Jakarta in March 2021.


The distribution of ATENSI assistance will later be facilitated through a direct cash transfer mechanism to the beneficiary's Bank Mandiri account in several provinces within the "Budhi Dharma", "Tan Miyat" and "Pangudi Luhur" Work Areas.


Pujiyanto, Head of the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center said that this was carried out in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini to distribute aid appropriately to beneficiaries.


"Of course this is carried out following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia so that the distribution of ATENSI assistance is carried out on time, in the right amount, on target, and accountable ", Puji said in his speech.


In addition, Puji also explained that the Center for the Persons with Visual Sensory Disability "Tan Miyat" led by Pudak Bektiwidari and the Training Center "Pangudi Luhur" led by Kokom Komalawati and the Elderly Center "Budhi Dharma" each had dynamics of beneficiary data problems.


“The difficulty in collecting data on the elderly is dynamic data, today the data collection is carried out, it could be that the elderly who are recorded tomorrow pass away. Likewise at the Training Center "Pangudi Luhur" and the Center for Persons with Visual Sensory Disabilities "Tan Miyat" which also have specific data problems for each beneficiary," he added.


In response to this, Andri Kusumawardani, Branch Manager of PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Bekasi Branch Ruko Kalimas conveyed the mechanism of cooperation in the distribution of ATENSI Aid.


"The mechanism for distributing ATENSI assistance has been arranged by the Bank Mandiri Head Office team, then the data will be submitted to the area team for data checking through the Dukcapil system, data that has not passed the selection will be coordinated again with the Balai," said Andri.

The collaboration with PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk not only distributes ATENSI assistance to beneficiaries, but includes SOE support in empowering ATENSI beneficiaries who are fostered by three Social Rehabilitation Centers in Bekasi to increase their independence.

This PKS with Bank Mandiri is not only in the scope of the implementation of ATENSI assistance distribution, but also the most important thing is monitoring the distribution of ATENSI assistance so that beneficiaries who receive assistance can develop productive economic businesses to support their independence.

The signing of this PKS is an embodiment of the implementation of the Cash Less System in the Centers within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to create accountability and transparency in the distribution and monitoring of aid.