BEKASI (19 May 2020) - The "Budhi Dharma" Center for Elderly Rehabilitation (BRSLU) in Bekasi accommodates neglected elderly affected by COVID-19 in a temporary shelter (TPS). The elderly were the result of raids on homeless and beggars who were referred to the West Jakarta Social Service, the Bekasi Regency Social Service, the Cirebon Social Service and the "Mulya Jaya" Watunas Hall. The treatments provided while in the TPS are in the form of health services, homecoming, food, psychosocial support, services for places of worship and family tracing services so that their families can be found.

This effort proves that the Ministry of Social Affairs is present in handling social problems, especially for vulnerable groups affected by COVID-19. This is in accordance with the mandate of the President through Presidential Decree No. 11 of 2020 concerning the determination of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Public Health Emergency (COVID-19) and the Circular Letter of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Number 18/4 / KS.01 / 4/2020 concerning Temporary Shelter for Displaced Residents.

Until May 19, 2020, the elderly have been provided with services at the TPS totaling 22 people, with details of being sent back to a family of 3 (three) people, referred to 0 (zero) orphanages / centers / hospitals, leaving the location without 2 (two) people at the Command Post 17 people (6 women, 11 men) who were referrals from the West Jakarta, Bekasi and Cirebon Social Service Sub-dept. in April 2020.

The handling process in TPS starts with registration, COVID-19 Rapid Test, Initial Assessment, then placement in barracks according to gender.

This temporary treatment is carried out with a maximum time span of 3 (three) months. While in the shelter, the center provides basic needs, assistance, and further social rehabilitation interventions as needed. The Balai also conducts an investigation of the whereabouts of his family so that they can be reunified to their families.

For 14 days since the elderly arrives, they must participate in quarantine at this TPS. In addition to observing their health condition by the medical team, the elderly are also observed psychologically. This is done so that the elderly can still feel calm and comfortable while in TPS. Furthermore, it will remain in monitoring and service in accordance with the procedures and programs of the "Budhi Dharma" Hall.