WONOGIRI (10 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs is present through Social Rehabilitation Center “Margo Laras” Pati to respond to beneficiaries who experience symptoms of mental disorders in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province.


Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, Margo Laras Case Response Team moved closer to Wonogiri (10/8). Margo Laras team, consisting of social workers and nurses, first coordinated with the Wonogiri District Social Service, Soeharso Surakarta Center, and the local village government.


Then carry out a rapid assessment of Naryanto (31 years old), a resident of Jatirejo Village, Girimarto District, Wonogiri Regency.


Naryanto is the second of two children, his last education is Junior High School (SMP), and does not have a job. Her sister is married and lives in Bandung selling meatballs, and her mother died 2 years ago in August 2019.


Now Naryanto lives alone with his father who works as a builder and farmer, owns a house in his personal name, a rice field, and 2 goats.


Before feeling depression he had been working in agriculture and raising goats and helping his brother sell meatballs in the city of Bandung. After his mother died, he returned to his home in Wonogiri to live with his father, and since then he has been experiencing symptoms of a mental disorder.


"When the mental health assessment was carried out, the beneficiary said the body felt stiff, there were whispers or auditory hallucinations in the form of a man's voice, his voice was not clear," explained Andreas, a nurse at Margo Laras.


Naryanto's father agreed that his son's body felt stiff, and revealed that male voices were whispering, making it difficult for him to sleep for 3 (three) days. Until now, the beneficiaries still seem confused about the road without direction and purpose in the forest around the house. The background begins with the loss of his mother whose he loved the most and by breaking up with his girlfriend.


"Naryanto has never been treated in a mental hospital, has no history of drug abuse, has no history of infectious diseases, epilepsy does not have multiple disabilities," concluded Andreas.


Social worker Edy Widaryanto also added from the social aspect, communication of cooperative beneficiaries but slow to respond, daily living activity / self-care with orders, population identity such as ID cards, Family Cards (in the process of renewal), while KIS is in the process of coordinating with Social Service and Rural Government.

The plan is to create an independent BPJS class 3 card of Rp. 35,000/month fee, the family agrees and does not object after being educated by the Margo Laras Team, the Social Service, and the Soeharso Surakarta Center.

The interventions that have been carried out by Margo Laras at this time is reinforcing the family and social environment regarding the current condition of the beneficiaries, giving oral psychiatric drugs to treat insomnia/difficulty sleeping and catatonic/stiffness.

The Margo Laras team also provides education to PM about how to fight/rebuke hallucinations, take regular medication according to the dosage from the doctor/psychiatrist, routine check-ups to Puskesmas (Public Health Center) / RSJ (Mental Hospital) and maintain personal hygiene/ADL.

Furthermore, the Case Response Team immediately re-coordinated with the District Social Service Office of Wonogiri.

"Alhamdulillah, after the officers provided medical therapy and education, the results of monitoring the development of Naryanto's mental health was quite stable, last night he could sleep well, for catatonic/stiffness there has been a slight improvement. Hallucinations did not appear (after being given how to rebuke/fight hallucinations) by the nurse from Margo Laras," said Noer Noegrohowati, Head of Social Rehabilitation Section of the Wonogiri District Social Service.

Margo Laras also assisted Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) in the form of assistance for transportation and taking control drugs to the mental polyclinic of RSUD Wonogiri.

The Nuryanto family expressed their gratitude for the assistance provided by Margo Laras Team and the Soeharso Surakarta Center.