TANGGAMUS (27 June 2022) - MoSA through the Inten Soeweno Integrated Center moved quickly to help underprivileged families in Talang Padang, Tanggamus Regency. Previously, the Inten Soeweno Integrated Center Case Response Team coordinated with the Tanggamus District Social Office, TKSK, Talang Padang Village Officials, and the family. Grandmother Rahma (69) and her son Heriyanto (40) are both sick and are being treated at home alone. Rahma has been unable to walk for 2 (two) years, while her son from half a month ago was diagnosed with liver disease.


Heriyanto previously worked as a security officer in a housing complex in the Tangerang area. After getting sick he decided to return to live with his mother (Rahma). In a small house that is not suitable to live in, they are both cared for by Andi, who is Rahma's first child, and Heriyanto's older brother. In his daily life, Andi works as a coolie who earns around IDR 600,000, -per month, and it is not enough to meet the needs of his life every month.


This condition caught a lot of attention, including the Head of the Tanggamus Police, he made a home visit and handed over assistance in the form of necessities and other equipment. The government BPJS already exists, but for PKH from the beginning of 2022, their families have not received it. M. O. Royani, Head of the Inten Soeweno Integrated Center directed the case response team to conduct assessments and intervene in the types of assistance needed by Rahma's family.


"Perform an in-depth assessment, and explore what MoSA can provide. Bring inpatient treatment at the hospital so that the doctor's health condition can be monitored, fulfill nutrition, and facilitating patient waiting accommodation is the first step that must be done. After that determine the type of business that is following the expertise and conditions of the surrounding environment, what kind of business is suitable and as a form of collaboration with Directorate of Social Empowerment to detail the cost budget so that their house becomes livable." said Roni.


On Saturday, 27 June 2022, the STIS team and Pekon officials referred both of them for inpatient treatment at the Abdul Moeloek Regional General Hospital, Bandar Lampung. For nutritional needs, clothing, and accommodation for the patient's waiting have been provided.


"We express our gratitude to the Minister of Social Affairs and all her staff for all the assistance given to our mother and sister, thank God both of them have now been hospitalized," said Heriyanto


After nutrition, clothing, and accommodation. The next aid is currently in the stage of making RAB for both business assistance and suitable housing.