BATURRADEN (29 September 2021) – Social Rehabilitation Center "Satria" Baturraden is collaborating with the Surakarta City and Batang Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) on Referrals for Social Rehabilitation Services for Drug Abuse Victims.


Located in "Satria" Baturraden Center, the Head of "Satria" Center, Darmanto, Head of BNNK Surakarta Triatmo Hamardiyono and Head of BNNK Batang Khrisna Anggara signed the cooperation agreement (PKS) and witnessed by representatives of officials and staff from each agency.


Through this cooperation agreement, it is hoped that it can encourage the implementation of sustainable rehabilitation programs and the achievement of support for social rehabilitation services for addicts, abusers, and victims of narcotics, psychotropic, and other addictive substances abusers as well as increasing synergy between government institutions.


The scope of the Cooperation Agreement includes promotive and preventive efforts, such as communication, information, and education efforts to the public. Furthermore, curative efforts starting from assessment to follow-up plans; and rehabilitative efforts are medical and psychosocial rehabilitation efforts for residents. Lastly, resident assistance during the rehabilitation service process.


Head of "Satria" Baturraden Darmanto conveyed that handling Drug Abuse Victims (KP) requires extraordinary energy and support from various parties because the beneficiaries or residents served and referrals from BNNK and other agencies have different backgrounds.


“In the rehabilitation process, the most important thing is family support. Based on experience, the beneficiaries have received the right services, but when they return to their families, the beneficiaries or residents may relapse again due to a lack of support from their families," said Darmanto.


“In the referral system, which refers to accountability to the family, not only from the Center. At least the BNNK friends moved to his family. We will help because the child after undergoing the rehabilitation process will return to the family," he said.


"Hopefully the PKS we run is not just on paper, we are indeed given the mandate to rehabilitate children or residents who need it. Hopefully what we are doing will be a blessing for all of us," concluded Darmanto.


Head of BNNK Surakarta Triatmo Hamardiyono stated that the affirmative policy regarding the placement of drug abuse victims is an order from Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics.

“The problem that arises in the affirmative policy regarding the placement of Drug Abuse Victims for rehabilitation is the unavailability of adequate rehabilitation places. Therefore, we were asked to identify the rehabilitation sites in the BNNK working area/zoning,” explained Triatmo Hamardiyono.

“One of them through "Satria" Baturraden Center.  It is hoped that later it will not only serve as a residential reference but later there will be assistance, aftercare, and vocational functions. We will start identifying the needs and passions of Drug Abuse Victims, our client. We hope that this PKS is not just an ordinary agreement, but will be followed up and implemented into our programs and activities. Therefore, gradually we need to do monitoring and evaluation as well. So that it doesn't become only PKS on the paper," said the Head of the Surakarta BNNK.

The head of the Batang Regency BNNK, Khrisna Anggara, conveyed the same thing. He hopes that PKS is not merely ceremonial, but can also provide benefits for victims of proven drug abusers and need rehabilitation.

"The three of us share the same spirit. When it comes to rehabilitation, usually the questions are where the rehab is, who delivers it, how is it supervised, the problem continues to revolve around this. We hope that this PKS can be the answer to the situation or problem in the field,” explained Khrisna Anggara.