CIANJUR (December 13th 2019) - Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Social Tuna and The Victims of Human Trafficking (RSTS & KPO) of the Ministry of Social Affairs held Social Guidance for 150 Indonesian Citizens Migrant Victims of Human Trafficking (WNI M KPO) who had been repatriated to their area of ​​origin located in the Village Hall Cibeureum, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency.

The activity was attended by Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Diah Pitaloka accompanied by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna. Also attending on this occasion were the Head of the West Java Province Social Service and the Head of the Cianjur Regency Social Service.

This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for Indonesian KPO citizens so that they are able to improve their social functioning in the community and have a pilot effort to improve their livelihoods by providing business stimulant assistance of Rp. 900,000 per person which is channeled directly through beneficiary accounts.

Skills social guidance is provided in the form of providing information relating to the correct way of migration, information about trafficking, providing motivation and how to build an entrepreneurial spirit to marketing strategies.