AMBON (August 19th, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini represented by Dr. Udan Suheli, Head of Ternate's ‘Wasana Bahagia’ Center directly handed over assistance in the form of three child-friendly housing units for families of victims of sexual violence in Ambon city, Maluku, Friday (19/8/2022).
The aid was handed over to IGH (18), IDH (25), and LVH (27) as family representatives during the handover process, as well as seeing the new house that they are going to live in. "The assistance provided is the attention of the Minister of Social Affairs," said Udan Suheli.
A happiness can be clearly seen from their face. "It's like a dream, having our own house, room and bed, you can do activities and sleep comfortably in your new home. You can also study in peace and comfort now that you have your own room. The bathroom is closed together with the house. Very comfortable," said LVH with teary eyes full of emotion.
Previously, their house was occupied by 11 people. The limited area and cramped rooms forced them to sleep side by side for decades. And this is one of the triggers of sexual violence in the family.
Tri Rismaharini on different occasions emphasized that this assistance was provided as one of the Ministry of Social's efforts in providing protection to children in their smallest environment, namely the family. "We want these children to get their rights, the right to protection and development, in the family," she said.
"Separating room space for teenage girls and teenage boys, including between teenagers and their parents is one way to prevent problems like this."
According to Risma, children should also be given the opportunity to live in a suitable house to live in, and meet the requirements for their health and safety. So, we are building this concept now," she explained.
Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided 3 units of child-friendly house for the family. The total amount of assistance provided is more than Rp. 500 million. Besides 3 house units along with the household, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also provided business development training for adult victims. As well as food assistance, child nutrition, medical expenses for children and toddlers, chemotherapy, psychosocial support services in the form of assistance from psychologists and social workers, said Udan Suheli.
"At that time, we were ordered by the Minister of Social Affairs to conduct an assessment of this problem," said Udan Suheli.
Assistance was given as soon as possible after the Minister of Social Affairs received information from online media which is about sexual violence perpetrated by a father to his five daughters, and two grandchildren.
Udan Suheli revealed that in the future it is hoped that they will not only be able to live more comfortably and safely, but also be more independent and prosperous by being given training and developing businesses around their homes. "Currently adults have received sewing and salon training".
After handing-over the house, IDH (25), one of the victims of sexual violence told reporters in Ambon, left her thanks to the Minister of Social Affairs.
"On behalf of the family, I would like to thank the Minister for helping us to provide three housing units," she said.
IDH admitted that the assistance provided by the Minister of Social Affairs in the form of housing, household appliances, mattresses, treatment, and even training was very useful.
"The assistance that you have given is very useful for us in the future. Thank you," she concluded.
At the end of the meeting, Udan Suheli conveyed the message from the Minister that he hoped that in the future, we can minimize cases like this through the concern and sympathy from the surrounding community. This cannot be done only by the government, it takes the involvement of all parties to jointly protect the future of this nation, he said.