PEKANBARU (Februari 7, 2020) - This Photo Exhibition is the final result of a series of experimental photography therapy model activities conducted by the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Islam Riau Team with respondents who are recipients of Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru services.

The photos displayed are the work of service recipients who have been given directions by the team since January 28, 2020.

"Photography therapy is a trial of the newest therapeutic model which aims to allow children to channel their strength to survive in life with photography as the medium. Through photos, children are expected to be able to channel and convey the feelings they feel." Yanwar said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BRSAMPK "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru, Ahmad Subarkah said that this model of photography therapy can be a place for children to express feelings, we hoped that it can motivate the service recipients to become better individuals.

At this exhibition, it was seen that the service recipients were very enthusiastic about seeing their work on display. Several service recipient representatives also explained the meaning of the photos they had taken.

Ahmad Subarkah, accompanied by the Head of Social Rehabilitation Services, M. Toher, also coordinated with UIR regarding child social rehabilitation services.

Through this coordination, Ahmad Subarkah conveyed an overview of the change in nomenclature of the Panti to become Balai so it demanded changes in service targets and infrastructure.

This activity is a form of collaboration between institutions and partners to maximize the handling of children in the social rehabilitation process of children, in this case the development of therapeutic models in social rehabilitation and hope this will be the initial momentum to develop a better MoU in the future and initiate development programs from other faculties, such as the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and others, Barkah concluded.