JAKARTA (12 May 2020) - The "Handayani" Social Rehabilitation Center of Children in Need of Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Jakarta continues to provide services and assistance for "NF", a teenager in conflict with the law for taking the life of a toddler and being a victim of sexual violence that occurred in Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta a few months ago. Coordination with relevant stakeholders is established in the best interests of the child.
In addition, the coordination is also carried out intensively with "NF" family. The attention and motivation of the family is an important factor in supporting the behavior change of "NF" as well as being the reinforcement of "NF" in the legal process she is undergoing.
Since April 21, 2020, "NF" continues to expect the arrival of families to just talk or meet face to face. The head of the "Handayani" Children's Center in Jakarta, Neneng Heryani assigned "NF" Social Worker to continues coordinating with the family as a form of support and strength for "NF".
"Surely family is the most important part for anyone. We continue to approach "NF" family to continue to support the services and assistance that we provide," said Neneng
Coinciding with the birthday of "NF" (10/05/2020), the family came to visit her at the Center while still implementing the protocol to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The "Handayani" Children's Center in Jakarta provides an opportunity for "NF" to meet with families. The Social Worker also accompanied "NF" meeting with her family.
Not only parents, "NF" siblings also attended this meeting. Lasted for 3 hours, this family gathering was very touching considering that "NF" had not seen her family for a very long time. The first meeting during "NF" was in this Center obviously made "NF" very happy and touched. "NF" tightly hugged all her family in turn. She also cried for longing.
On this occasion, "NF" also told her family and expressed her gratitude after being at the "Handayani" Children's Center. "NF" shared that she received a lot of attention from the officers, as well as many activities that he could participate in. "NF" revealed that she felt calmer because she was able to get closer to Allah SWT and did not forget to pray five times a day and recite the Koran.
Furthermore, the parents of "NF" said that they would continue to provide reinforcement and support to "NF" and support all services and assistance efforts carried out by "Handayani" Children's Center in Jakarta. Coordination between the Center and "NF" families will continue to be in the best interests of the child.
Humas BRSAMPK "Handayani" Jakarta
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N